XG2000 series User's Guide
All Rights Reserved, Copyright (C) PFU LIMITED 2009
5.16.9 monitor error
Displays error traffic statistics for each port.
xg> or xg#
Command syntax
monitor error { current | total } [interval <3-60>]
z { current | total }
Specifies the statistics to be displayed.
Displays the accumulated error count after startup of this command.
Displays the accumulated error count after the system startup.
If the error count reaches 4294967295, it is returned to 0 when incremented.
z interval <3-60>
Specifies the update interval (in seconds).
The default interval is 3 seconds.
Command type
Operation management command
Output form (if "current" is specified)
xg# monitor error current
Error Statistics(Current Counts) 2007/01/22-12:12:15
Port Rx Rx & Tx Rx & Tx Rx & Tx Rx & Tx Rx Total
CRC Over Under Fragment Jabber Align Lost
--- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
1 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890
2 123 1 2 34 3 4 56 78 90
3 123 1 2 34 3 4 56 78 90
4 123 1 2 34 3 4 56 78 90
5 123 1 2 34 3 4 56 78 90
6 123 1 2 34 3 4 56 78 90
7 123 1 2 34 3 4 56 78 90
8 123 1 2 34 3 4 56 78 90
ESC:exit F:refresh
U:page up D:page down L:page left R:page right
Error Statistics(Current Counts) 2007/01/22-12:12:15
ESC:exit F:refresh
U:page up D:page down L:page left R:page right
z Port
Displays the port numbers. Statistics for each port are displayed on one line.
z Rx CRC
Displays the accumulated number of FCS (Frame Check Sequence) error frames received after
startup of this command.
z Rx & Tx Over
Displays the accumulated number of frames whose size exceeds 1518 bytes (excluding the VLAN
tag) after startup of this command.
z Rx & Tx Under
Displays the accumulated number of transmission frames whose size is less than 64 bytes after
startup of this command.
z Rx & Tx Fragment
Displays the accumulated number of FCS (Frame Check Sequence) error frames whose size is
less than 64 bytes sent or received after startup of this command.
z Rx & Tx Jabber
Displays the accumulated number of FCS (Frame Check Sequence) error frames whose size exceeds
1518 bytes (excluding the VLAN tag) sent or received after startup of this command.