XG2000 series User's Guide
All Rights Reserved, Copyright (C) PFU LIMITED 2009
z Rising Threshold
Indicates the threshold upper limit (or the rising threshold).
z Rising Event
Indicates a number for the event notification if the value obtained exceeded the threshold
Event does not occur if the value is 0.
z Falling Threshold
Indicates the threshold lower limit (or the falling threshold).
z Falling Event
Indicates a number for the event notification if the value obtained dropped below the threshold
Event does not occur if the value is 0.
z Owner
Displays the owner name of the RMON alarm group.
Event Information
Displays the contents of the RMON event.
z [Event 1]
Indicates an index number that identifies the RMON event entry.
z Event Type
Displays the status of the RMON log entry creation when a RMON event occurred.
− Enabled
A RMON log entry was created.
− Disabled
No RMON log entry was created.
Trap Displays the trap notification status.
− Enabled
SNMP trap notification occurs.
− Disabled
No SNMP trap notification occurs.
z Trap Community
Displays a community name for the SNMP trap.
z Description
Displays a character string that explains the RMON event entry.
z Owner
Displays the owner name of the RMON event entry.