A Word to FURUNO ARP-17 Owners
FURUNO Electric Company thanks you for considering and purchasing the FURUNO Auto- matic Tracking Aid (ATA)
For nearly 50 years FURUNO Electric Company has enjoyed an enviable reputation for effi- cient and dependable marine electronics equipment. This dedication to excellence is fur- thered by our extensive global network of agents and dealers.
Your unit is designed and manufactured to meet the rigorous demands of the marine environ- ment. However, no machine can perform to the utmost of its ability unless properly operated and maintained. Please carefully read and follow the recommended procedures for operation and maintenance.
We would appreciate hearing from you, the
Thank you for considering and purchasing FURUNO.
The ATA permits manual acquisition and automatic tracking of up to 10 radar targets. An internal microprocessor calculates target data such as speeds and courses and displays the results in alphanumeric and by vectors.
When the
•Manual acquisition of up to 10 targets between 0.2 and 32 nm
•Automatic tracking of up to 10 manually acquired targets between 0.1 and 32 nm
•Vector length adjustable and vector reference in true or relative
•Motion trend displayed within 1 min., full accuracy within 3 min. after acquisition
•Past position display shows last ten positions.
•Visual and audible alarms against targets violating CPA/TCPA limits; visual alarms against lost targets.