You can search for articles in a specific publication from the Publication Search screen. Find the title by the first word of a title or any word in the title.
A search for astronomy as any word in the title yielded three journals containing the word astronomy. Click on the title of the journal desired from the list to view publication informa- tion about the journal. From the
To find all titles beginning with a particular letter of the alphabet, type in the letter and choose “Title starts with”
Science Standards provides teachers a way to search the content in Science Resource Center using national and state science curriculum standards as a starting point. Standards are displayed in a hierarchical (i.e., outline) format. Each goal/guideline may be expanded if it has additional levels below it.
For each level you can perform a search on any subject term(s) that have been indexed to that level.
You can review national and state standards for science cur- ricula by using the Science Standards Search. Under National Standards, click to link to National Science Education Standards or Project 2061 Benchmarks for Science Literacy. Under State Standards, click on a state name to link to the science standards for that state.
Note: Some states do not have science standards information available in Science Resource Center. This may be because they have not created such standards, the standards may not be finalized, or the group/state has withheld permission to reproduce their standards. If you click on a state name and standards are not available for that particular state, an expla- nation of the status will be displayed.
To expand the state standards, click on the plus (+) sign in front of the category. Related subjects links are available where applicable. The Collapse All button will appear allow- ing you to hide all levels you have expanded.
To perform a Subject Search from the national/state science standards information page you have selected, click a high- lighted “Related subjects” term that appears directly below each level of the hierarchy. If multiple related subject terms are available, you can search for all terms at once by click- ing Search for All Subjects. Results will appear in a tabbed results list.
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