A program of proper cleaning techniques will aid in continued trouble free operation of this or any quality equipment.
1.Remove and clean grid rack. Grid racks should be wiped clean while still warm, using a heavy cloth or other grease absorbing material to remove grease and burnt food before they burn into the grid. Remove burnt materials, such as carbonized grease or food, with a stiff wire brush. DO NOT USE ANY TYPE OF STEEL WOOL.. Small particles of steel may be left on the grid surface and get into food products. Grid racks should be washed thoroughly using a wire brush and a hot, mild detergent or soap solution. Rinse with clear, warm water.
2.With the rack removed clean the interior of the unit with a damp cloth.
3.Clean out the grease container.
Lubricate valves and bearings as required. Due to the usual location of the broiler which is mounted above a range with open tops, the heat from the open top will cause the lubrication grease inside the valves to dry out. When you notice that the valves are becoming harder to turn, it is then time to have them greased. We suggest an authorized service agent who is familiar with the appliance and working with natural and propane gas, perform this type of work.
Exterior Cleaning
Establish a regular schedule. Any spills should be wiped off immediately.
Wipe exposed, cleanable surface when cool with a mild detergent and hot water. Stubborn residue spots may be removed with a lightweight
Stainless Steel
Stainless steel should be cleaned using a mild detergent, a soft cloth and hot water. If it is necessary to use a non- metallic scouring pad, always rub in the direction of the grain in the metal to prevent scratching. Use a water based stainless steel cleaner (such as Drackett Twinkle), if you want a high shine. Wash a small area at a time and rinse the washed area with a clean sponge dipped into a disinfectant and wipe dry with a soft cloth before it can dry.
Use only stainless steel, wood or plastic tools to scrape off heavy deposits of grease or oil. Do not use ordinary steel scrapers or knives, as particles of iron may become embedded and rust. NEVER USE STEEL WOOL.
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