Traffic on Your Route

When calculating your route, the navigation system examines the current traffic and automatically optimizes the route for the shortest time. If a severe traffic delay occurs on your route while you are navigating, your system automatically recalculates the route.

The traffic notifications change color to indicate the severity of traffic conditions on your route or on the road you are currently traveling.

Your system may route you through a traffic delay if a better alternative route does not exist. The delay time is added into your estimated time of arrival automatically.

Traffic Voice Prompts

You can listen to traffic prompts on your navigation system.

Select Traffic > Hear Traffic Ahead.

The system automatically reads all messages on your route.

Viewing Traffic Alerts

While you navigate an route, a traffic alert may appear.

1Select Notifications.

2 Select an alert.

Avoiding Traffic Events on Your Route

1While navigating a route, select Traffic > Traffic on Route.

A list of traffic events appears, organized by their location on the route.

2Select an event.

The traffic event information displays.

3Select Avoid Incident to avoid the event.

Viewing the Traffic Map

You can view traffic on map at any time. Select Traffic > Traffic Map.

Understanding Traffic Data

The traffic legend explains the icons and colors used on the traffic map.

Select Traffic > Traffic Legend.


MAP PILOT owner’s manual