Satellite Information: Select to view the Satellite Information page.

Restore System Settings: Select to restore the system settings to the factory default settings.

Navigation Settings

Select Settings > Navigation.

Route Preference: Select your preference for calculating routes.

Avoidances: Sets road features to avoid on a route.

Advanced Detours: Enables the advanced detour setting.

Lane Guidance: Select to activate lane suggestions for upcoming turns.

Restore Navigation Settings: Select to restore the navigation settings to the factory default settings.

Route Preferences

Select Settings > Navigation > Route Preference.

The route calculation is based on road speeds and vehicle acceleration data for a given route.

Faster Time: Calculates routes that are faster to drive but can be longer in distance.

Shorter Distance: Calculates routes that are shorter in distance but can take more time to drive.

Less Fuel: Calculates routes that could use less fuel than other routes.

Off Road: Calculates a direct line from your location to your destination.

Always Ask: When prompted, select the preferred route from list.

Map and Vehicle Settings

Select Settings > Map Display.

Map View: Sets the perspective on the map.

Map Detail: Sets the level of detail on the map. More detail may cause the map to draw slower.

Map Theme: Changes the color of the map data and displayed route.

Map Data Fields Layout: Sets the data that appears on the map.

Color Mode: Sets the map background. Day for a light background, Night for a dark background, or Auto to


MAP PILOT owner’s manual