Syntax signal port=<num|list|range> <none|log|trap|logandtrap> - port to monitor and
signal to send in case of breach of port security
Syntax ps <enable|disable> - enable or disable port security
Syntax remove mac=<all|address|list|range> port=<num|list|range> - remove a MAC
address entry
Syntax show log [fatal|alert|crit|error|warn|note|info|debug] – display the log
Syntax clear log [fatal|alert|crit|error|warn|note|info|debug]– clear the log
Syntax set logsize size=<1-1000> - set the number of line to be collected in the log before the oldest record is
Syntax syslog – syslog context commands
Syntax server add host=<host|ip> [port=<port>] [event=<all|none|default|list>] – add
a syslog server. Maximum of five servers can be defined
Syntax server edit id=<id> [host=<host|ip>] [port=<port>]
[event=<all|none|default|list>] - edit the server setup as well as which syslog messages the
server should receive
Syntax server del id=<id> - delete a Syslog server
Syntax server <enable|disable> id=<id
- enable or disable the log messages being sent to a syslog
Syntax syslog <enable|enable> - enable (or disable) the syslog messages
Syntax access – setup access configuration parameters
Syntax allow ip=<ipaddress> mask=<netmask> service=<name|list> - allow specific IP
address or range of addresses as a trusted host(s)
Syntax deny ip=<ipaddress> mask=<netmask> service=<name|list> - deny specific IP
address or range of IP addresses
Syntax remove ip=<ipaddress> mask=<netmask> - delete a specific IP address from the access or
trusted host list
Syntax removeall – remove all IP addresses of trusted hosts
Syntax show ip-access – display all trusted hosts