APPENDIX 2 - Commands sorted alphabetically
Command Description
!! repeat the last command
!<n> repeat the “n”th command (as indicated by a
show history)
<command string> <TAB> options for a command
<Down-arrow> opposite of Up-arrow key
<first character of the command>
listing commands starting with the character
<TAB> listing all commands available at the privilege
<Up-arrow> every time the key is pressed, the last command
is printed on the screen but not executed. This
allows for editing errors made in typing
access setup access configuration parameters
action port=<num|list|range>
action to perform in case of breach of port
add event=<event-id|list|range|all> enables alarm action in response to the specified
event ID
add id=<1-5> email=<email-addr>
[ip=<ip-addr>] [port=<1-65535>]
setup email id for receiving SNMP trap
information by email
add id=<vlan Id> [name=<vlan name>]
adding VLAN
add user=<name> level=<number> adding a user