Now let’s take a picture1. To switch on the camera, press the POWER button ( 1 )
2. Select the desired shot mode (STILL IMAGE/ MACRO SHOT /MOVIE CLIP)
according to the image range or subject by using the mode dial ( 2 ) on the
top of the camera.
3. Change the camera function by using the LCD monitor and select the
appropriate settings (image quality, image size and so forth.)
4. Decide the image composition that you want to achieve by using the optical
viewfinder or the LCD monitor.
5. When taking images, squeeze the shutter button gently to avoid shaking the
camera .
• Pressing the shutter button down halfway activates the auto focus and checks
the condition of the flash.
• After selecting the focus, the Green lamp will light up.
Press the shutter button gently to avoid shaking the camera and changing
the auto focus.
When the green lamp lights, you can take a picture and store the relevant
data for the shot.