Downloading files
To protect your computer against viruses, make sure that you scan the files you download. For more information, see “Protecting your computer from viruses” on page 107.
Help & Support
For more information about downloading files, click Start, then click Help and Support. Type the keywords downloading files in the Search box , then click the arrow.
Downloading is the process of transferring files from a computer on the Internet to your computer.
To download files or programs from a Web site:
1Connect to your Internet account.
2In the address bar, type the address of the Web site that contains the file or program you want to download, then click GO on the browser address bar.
- OR -
Click a link on a Web page to navigate to the Web site containing the file that you want to download.
3Create or locate the folder where you want to store the file on your computer. For more information, see “Working with files and folders” on page 19.
4Click the link on the Web page for the file that you want to download.
5Follow the
6Open the folder that you created.
7Install or view the downloaded file by
Using e-mail
The Internet never closes, so you can send
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