Page - 5 Windmill￿

Device Type The device type of the unit installed. To ensure correct operation this value must be correct.￿ The codes follow the product code. If you are unsure then the ‘X’ option must be used. Zone￿

The zone number must be programmed between the following values￿ EDA-M100 system 1 – 999 zones￿

EDA-M200 system 1-20 zones￿

Locations Text The device location text can be set using a maximum of 37 characters￿

Day/Night Mode On If analogue devices are being used (500 and 600 range of detectors) then for individ-￿ ual units the day night mode can be selected. In the global options the start and end time of this mode￿ can be selected and the sensitivity changed during these hours can be selected.￿

Sensitivity If analogue devices have been fitted *500 and 600 range of detectors) then the sensitivity can be selected. The default is ‘Normal’ but if a higher sensitivity is required for computer rooms or high risk areas￿ the sensitivity should be set higher. If devices are fitted in hostile areas or roof voids then the lower￿ sensitivity should be set.￿

2nd Input Used If the 2nd input is being used this check box must be selected to allow a unit number to be￿ entered.￿

2nd Input Device Number If the 2nd input is used a device number must be assigned. This will be the de-￿ vice number displayed on the panel should the 2nd input detect an alarm condition. If not defined it will de-￿ fault to the next unit number provided the panel is put into the self learn mode. To ensure this operates￿ correctly the unit should always be assigned if being used.￿

Save and Exit To return to the previous screen this button must be pressed.￿

Once changes are made they are automatically saved and can only be changed back by re-typing the older values.￿

5.4.2 Change Device Cause and Effects￿

If the cause and effects for a particular device need to be changed position the scroll bar to detail the ap-￿ propriate unit number and double click on the column labelled ‘Special’ for the particular device. Screen 5.4￿ will be displayed. The cause and effects are listed in the following section.￿

If the device number is not correct then the up and down arrows can be used to reposition the device￿ number. It should be noted that any changes made prior to changing the device number will automatically￿ be saved.￿

GD Systems

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GD Commerce Control and Booster Panels, EDA-M300, EDA-M350, EDA-M100, EDA-M200, EDA-M150 manual Windmill