Page - 10 Windmill￿

When downloading settings to the EDA-M200 panel, the options and messages must be performed sepa-￿ rately. Select messages first and download them to the panel. Then select options and download them to￿ the panel.￿

5.9 Print System Settings to Disk￿

In order to print the settings, the system allows the settings to be stored in a file on the computers disk￿ drive. This can then be imported into an editor or word-processor, formatted and then printed.￿

To Print Settings Click on the button labelled ‘Print to File’. A screen is displayed.￿

Click on the ‘Print’ button and a screen will be displayed as shown in Figure 5.9. Enter the file name and￿ press ‘Save’. It is recommended that a file type of .DOC is used.￿

To Edit the File Open the file in to a Word-processor or Text Editor or run Windows Explorer and double￿ click on the appropriate. This will automatically load the file into a program previously set up the PC.￿

If not refer to the windows help.￿ Figure 5.9￿

6.0 Using PANCOM Software:￿

In order to demonstrate the use of this software there will be two simple examples:￿

The first example will deal with a site called "college". We will step through the program using this software￿ to download data from the 3 panels on this site. We will then use this software analyse the data and pro-￿ duce a full report.￿

The second example will deal with a site called "townhall" where the data has already been downloaded. In￿ this example the software will simply be used to prepare a report using the files.￿

6.1 Example 1: "Collage" - downloading from panels.￿

Upon starting PANCOM you are presented with the screen shown below:￿

GD Systems

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GD Commerce EDA-M150, EDA-M300, EDA-M350, EDA-M100, EDA-M200, Control and Booster Panels manual Windmill