Roastingis cooking by dry heat. Tendermeator poultrycanbe roasteduncoveredin youroven. Roastingtemperatures,which shouldbe lowandsteady,keep spatteringto a minimum.When rOasting,l is notnecessaryto sear, baste,cover,or add watertoyour meat. Roastingis easy,just follow thesesteps:
Step L Positionovenshelfat secondfrombottomposition(B) for smallsizeroast(3 to 5 Ibs.)and at bottomposition(A) for larger roasts.
-Romtimg Guide
Step 2: Checkweightof roast.
Step 3: l!bmthe SELECIDRknob to BAKEORBROILandthe OVENSETknobto thedesired temperature.ChecktheRoasting Guidefor temperaturesand approximatecookingtimes.
Step 4: Mostmeatscontinueto ; .- =
rareor mediuminternaldoneness, youmaywishto removemeatfrom theoveniustbeforeit is doneif it is ==- to stand~0to 20 minuteswhile~ou
If no standingis planned,cook meatto suggestedtemperature.
IhIen Roasts
Frozenroastsof beef,pork, lamb,etc., can be startedwithout thawing,but allow15to 25 minutes per poundadditionaltime (15 minutesper poundfor roastsunder 5 pounds,moretimefor larger roasts).
Thawmostfrozenpoultrybefore roastingto ensureevendoneness. Somecommercialfrozenpoultry canbe cookedsuccessfullywithout thawing.Followdirectionsgiven on packer’slabel.
| Oven |
| ApproximateRoastingTime | Internal |
| |
we | Temperature | Doneness | in MinutesperFbund |
| Temperature“F |
Meat |
| 3 | 6 tO |
Tendercuts; rib,highquality | 325° | Rare |
| |||
sirlointip, rumpor topround* |
| Medium |
| |||
| WellDone |
| |||
Lamblegor | 325° | Rare |
| |||
| Medium |
| |||
| WellDone |
| |||
Vealshoulder,legor loin* | 325° | WellDone |
| |||
Porkloin, rib or shoulder* | 325° | WellDone |
| |||
325° | ToWarm |
| ||||
| |
thick,additionalroastingtimemaybeneeded. |
Poultry |
| 3 to $ibs. | Over5 Ibs. |
| — |
Chickenor Duck | 325° | WellDone | ||||
- | ||||||
Chickenpieces | 375” | WellDone |
| ||
Turkey | 325° | WellDone | 10to | Over15Ibs. | In thigh: |