Surfaceburnerson this rangeare lightedby electricignition,ending Iheneedfor standingpilotlights withconstantlyburningflames.
In case of a poweroutage,youcan
Iighithe pilotlessignitionsurface
burnerswith a match.Hold a lightedmatchto theburner,then
turn theknobto the LITE position.
Toavoidgettbg burned,use extremecautionwhenlighting burnersthis way.
Surfaceburnersin usewhenan electricalpowerftilureoccurswill continueto operatenormally.
!3u~~.c~ BurnerControls
Knobsthat turn the surfaceburners on andoff are locatedon the lower controlpanel in frontof the burners.
Thetwoon the leftcontroltheleft frontand left rear burners. Thetwo
— on the rightcontrolthe right front
— andrightrear burners.
lb Lighta SurfaceBurner
Pushthecontrolknobin andturn it to LITE.Youwillheara little
Aftertheburner ignites,turn the knobto adjustthe flamesize.
@Checkto be surethe burneryou turnedon is theoneyouwantto use.
~Do notoperatea burnerfor an extendedperiodof timewithout cookwareon the grate.Thefinish on thegratemaychipwithout cookwareto absorbthe heat.
~Besurethe burnersand gratesare coolbeforeyouplaceyourhand, a potholder,cleaningclothsor other materialson them.
HowtoSelect FlameSize
The flamesizeon a gasburner
are using.-
NEVERLET THE FLAME EXTENDUP THE SIDESOF THE COOKWAREAnyflame. largerthanthe bottomof the cookwareis wastedandonlyserves to heatthe handles.
Ahighboilcreatessteamandcooks awaymoisture,flavorandnutrition. Avoidit exceptfor the fewcooking processeswhichneeda vigorousboil.
Whenfryingor warmingfoods |
in stainlesssteel, castironor | mf. |
enamelware,keepthe flamedown | |
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of the pan. | |
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Whenfryingin glassor ceramic |
cookwa@ltier tie flameevenmore. | =- |
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