Broilingis cookingfoodbydirect heatfrom abovethe food. Your rangeis designedfor
How to Broil
LIf meathas fat or gristlenearthe edge,cut verticalslashesthroughit about2 inchesapart, but don’tcut intomeat. Werecommendthatyou trim fatto preventexcessive smoking,leavinga layerabout
2.Arrangefoodon rack and positionthe broilerpan on the appropriateshelfin the oven. Placingfoodcloserto flame increasesexteriorbrowningof food,but also increasesspattering andthepossibilityof fatsandmeat juicesigniting.
3.Closethe ovendoor but DO N(YI’LA~H IT. If the door latch is movedto the rightduringa broiloperation,the doormay kwkand youmaynotbe ableto openit untilthe ovencools.
4.llrn SELECIURknobto BAKE ORBROIL.For most foods,turn OVENTEMP knobto BROIL. Note:Chickenand ham arebroiled at a lowersettingin order to cook foodthroughwithoutover- browningit.
5.lbm most foodsonceduring cooking(theexceptionis thin fillets of fish; oil one side, placethatside downonbroilerrackandcookwithout turninguntildone). Timefoodsfor
6.Tbm OVENTEMP knobto OFF.Removebroilerpan from ovenand serve foodimmediately. Leavepan outsidethe ovento cool.
Broi@ Tips |
| @Use tongsto turnmeatover— |
| |||
e ~rom iSUSUWydonewithoven | piercedmeatlosesjuices. |
| ||||
~ Steaksand chopsshouldbeat |
| |||||
doorclosed. However,if youlike |
| |||||
yoursteaksvery rare insideand | least1 inchthickfor bestbroiling |
| ||||
charredon theoutside,leavethe | results.Panbroilthinnerones. |
| ||||
ovendoor slightlyajar. |
| |
| Quantity |
| IstSide | !ndSide |
| amUor | Shelf | Time, | Time, |
Food | Thickness | Fosition Minutes Mhiutes | Comments |
| ||
Bacon | c | 5 | 21,4 | Arrangeinsinglelayer. |
| |
| |
| thinslices) |
GroundBeef | Mb. (4patties) | c |
| Spaceevenly.Upto9 patties |
| |
WellDone | %to | takeaboutsametime. |
| |||
BeefSteaks |
| c | 9 | 7 |
Rare | Steakslessthan |
| ||||
Medium | (1 tO | c | 12 | throughbeforebrowning. |
| |
WellDone |
| c | 13 | Panfryingis recommended. |
| |
Rare | B,C | 10 | Slashfat. |
| ||
Medium | (2 | B,C | 15 | 942 |
WellDone |
| B | 25 |
| |
| .— |
Chicken(450°) | 1whole | B |
| Reducetimesabout5 to 10 |
| |
| (2 to |
| minutesper |
| splitlengthwise |
| chicken.Brusheachsidewith |
| meltedbutter.Broilwithskin |
| side downfirst. |
BakeryProducts | c |
| ||
Bread(Toast)or | Spaceevenly.PlaceEnglish |
| ||||
ToasterPastries | 1pkg.(2) |
| @ | |
EnglishMuffIns | c |
| withbutterif desired. | |||
| |||||
Imbster‘MIs | c | Cutthroughbackofshell,spread |
| |||
(6 to |
| turn | open.Brushwithmeltedbutter |
| over. | beforeandafterhalftime. |
Fish | c | 5 | 5 | Handleandturnverycarefully. |
| |
| Brushwithlemonbutterbefore |
| |
| andduringcookingif desired. |
| Preheatbroilerto increase |
| browning. |
HamSlices(450~ | B,C | 8 | 8 |
| ||
Precooked |
| sidefor |
| cured. |
PorkChops | 2(1Ain.) | c | 10 | Slashfat. |
| |
WellDone | 2 | c | 13 |
| |
| about1lb. |
LambChops |
| 8 |
Medium | 2(1 in.) | B | Slashfat. |
| ||
WellDone | about10to | B | 10 | 10 |
Medium | 2 (1%in.), | B | 10 |
| |
WellDone | about1lb. | B | }7 |
| |
Wieners, | c | 6 | If desired,splitsausagesin half |
| ||
SiMib precooked |
| lengthwiseinto5 to&inchpieces. |
sausages, |
bratwurst |
14 | — |