specialrecomentitions .&%%R- forVvashingpermanentpress
if you do nothavea dryer.
~Becarefulnotto overload washer.PermanentPress clothes musthaveampleroomto move freely.A MediumsizePermanent Pressloadis the largestthat should be washed.
*Use morewaterthanyouwould for a regularload. Use a Medium WaterLevelfor a SmallLoad;a LargeWaterLevelfor a Medium Load.
@Removeclothespromptlyas soonas washerstopsand hang immediately.
sTake a properlysortedgroup of clothesand dropthemlooselyin thewashbasketin this order:
Hereis a typicalfill load: 3 “DoubleSheets
4 Long SleeveShirts
3 Boxer Shorts
6 !kmdard PiUow Cases
Thisillustration,withclothesjust reachingthe ClothesRetaining Ring,showsa properload. Clothes haveampleroomto movebecause theyare notpackeddown,nor wrappedaroundthe agitator. Clothesare loadeddry sincewet itemsare aptto packdownwhich encouragesoverloadingThis. size loadrequiresa fullwaterfill.
What is the best sizeload of
TOadd itemsafter the washer has started.
*Turnoff the washer.
@Addanyadditionalarticlesby submergingnextto the agitator.
NOIX: Do notusethe
NOTE:Whenwashingstockings, pantyhoseand othereasilytangled items,alwayshandleseparately.To minimizetangling,we recommend the use of a net laundrybag.