careand Cleatiw
If youneedservice
Toobtainservice,seeyourwarranty on the backpageofthisbook.
The W. Theporcelainis
or grittycleansers.
The exterkm.Wipeoff anyspillsof washingcompounds.Wipeor dust withdampcloth. Trynot to hit surfacewith sharpobjects.
‘h storewasher:
Askservicetechnicianto remove waterfrom drainpumpandhoses topreventfreezing.
Do not storethe washerwhereit willbe exposedto the weather.
For longVacations:
Be surewatersupplyis shutoff at fiwcetsand drainall waterfrom hosesif weatherwillbe below freezing.
6% Lubricate withgrease or
~} Petroleum Jelly.
‘TheActivator”agitatorRemove. at
Whenreplacingthe agitator, carefi.dlylowerstraigit downonto the shaftso thatit fits intothe slots. Thenapplydownwardpressure untilagitatorsnapsintoits normal position.
How to relnove Ihestone
Hlkr mo”pan
~Soakfilterpan in a preheated 160“F.(71°C.)sblutionofhalf vinegarand half waterfor 15 minutes.Thenbrush eachsideof pan witha stiffbristlebrushwhile flushingwith runningwater.
@Do not soakin porcelain container.Vinegarcandamage porcelain.
sDo notexceed180“F.(82“C.) or filterpan maywarp,
We’reproudofour serviceand | |
wantyouto be pleased.If for some | |
=__– | |
reasonyouare nothappywiththe | |
serviceyoureceive,here are three | - |
- | |
stepsto followfor fbrtherhelp. |
FIRST,contactthepeoplewho |
servicedyourappliance.Explain |
whyyouare notpleased.In most |
cases,this willsolvethe problem. |
NEXT,if youare stillnot pleased, |
writeallthe |
| |
Manager,ConsumerRelations |
GeneralElectricCompany |
AppliancePark |
Louisville,Kentuc~ 40225 |
FINALLY,if yourproblemis still |
not resolved,write: | EmlrY. |
| |
MajorAppliance | |
- | |
ConsumerActionPanel | - |
iiiE5=- | |
20 NorthWackerDrive | |
Chicago,Illinois60606 | - |
- | |
| - |
| ~ |
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