GE MA5800G manual How$0removeshim, Howcanyou preventthese

Models: MA5800G

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L Trytoremovestain sassoonas possible.The fresherthe stain,the easierit is to remove.

2.Beforeattemptingto remove anystain,take these steps:

*l?indthe fabricandthe finishin thecharton thenextpage,and use onlyrecommendedmethods.

*Checkthe carelabelinstructions thatcamewiththegarment.

~Teststainremovalproducton a hiddeninsideseamor on a sample ofthematerial.

@}.voiduse ofhotwateron unknownstain.It can set some stains.

3.Followstainremovalwitha thoroughrinsing.

4.Washwithrecommended amountof soapor detergent.

stainRemoval 13ht—

Using(Maine Bleachh

Whiteand BkachableFabrics.

Mix 1/4cup (60ml) chlorine bleachwith onegallon(3.8liter)of coolwater—approximately80°F. (2’7°C.)-ina sinkor pan. Soak stainedarea for 5 minutesand launderin washer.

The Caseof the “Invisible”Stain. Foodor cookingoilson your syntheticgarmentsmaychusestains whichare virtuallyinvisibleand whichyoumaynotnoticeas you putyourclothesintothe washer.

If thesestainsare notcompletely removedin the wash,the oily spots may~ickup dirt fromthe wash water.Thentheywillbecomevery visibleandyoumaythinktheywere causedbythe washcycleitself.

once thesespotsbecomevisibk, howcanyouremovethem?

*Rubin undilutedliquiddetergent and let stand30 minutes.

@Re-washusinghottestwaterthe fabriccan stand.

Howcanyou preventthese


@Increase the amount of detergent normally used.







Formorecompleteinformationon stainremoval,requestgovernment bulletin,“RemovingStainsFrom Fabrics;’054D.Toobtaina copy writeto: ConsumerInformation Center,Pueblo,Colorado810Q9. Availableat lowcost.

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GE MA5800G manual How$0removeshim, Howcanyou preventthese