Hard water—doyouhaveit?
Beforeyoucan decidewhatto do abouthard water,youneedto know if yotihaveit and, if so, howhard it is.
@If youlivein a municipalarea, contactyourwatercompany.
@If youlivein a rural area, or in somesuburbanareas,contactyour countyagent.
Theanswerwillbe “youhave‘so manygrains’per gallon”and meansthis:
Om 3 grainsper
II to
If yourwateris SOFT,youhave no problem.Youcan use soapor detergentas youpreferandforget all abouthard water.If youhave
But, if youhavemorethan 10 grains,youwill needto softenyour waterwitheither. . .
LAn installedwatersoftenerin yourhome, or
2.Theuse of a packagedwater softener.
For information on water softeners, seechar%below.
Addthimuch$ waterSUftenerwitha M waterkvd
Grains of | over30 | ||||||
hardness | |||||||
| ||
Whenusing | o | ‘Acup | %cup | % cup | 1cup | 1cupplus 1tablespoonforevery5 grainsabove | |
with detergent | (60ml) | (120ml) | (160ml) | (240ml) | 30 (240ml plus 15ml foreachextra5 grains) | ||
| |||||||
Whenusing | %cup | % cup | % cup | 1cup | 1%cups | 1%cupsplus 1tablespoonfbrevery5 grainsabove | |
withsoap | (80ml) | (160ml) | (180ml) | (240ml) | (360ml) | 30 (300ml plus 15mlforeachextra5 grains) |