I ~ f | t defrostl | f | ~f r c |
f.~ourrefrlgeratorisMdesignedand equippedto
‘t&Jrrefrigeratorhastwocontrolsthatletyouregulatethe temperaturein the FreshFoodandFreezercompartments.
Thisturnsoffheatersinyour’refrigeratorthatpreventmois- |
| |||||
turefromformingon theoutside. | k | o n e o | r | |||
| e f | e | . | |||
f | Useof thisswitchcan saveyou money,Estimatedyearly | @ | ||||
| ’ |
| ||
savings,dependingon your local electricrates,are as | i | |||||
| o | m |
| a | t | |
follows: |
| |
| Model | EstimatedYOarlySav~n9s, A,pprox. % of |
| |||
| ‘ | ElectricRate(Per KWh) | EnergySavings |
| ||
I | I$ .05I$ .08~$ ,11I |
TBF16C $22.00 $35.00 $48.00 27%
TBF18 $22.00 $35.00 $49.00 22%
I |
| s c | a “ | an C | o | i |
F | c | F | F | c | s controlsat “6;’ | |
“7;’or “8;’and“W’ |
| ||
F | c | F | c |
| set controlsat“5’’and’’KX’rom | |
F | w | f | Food c | set controlsa at “4;’ |
YtN.canI leavet’heEnergySaverSwitchon NC)RMAL,but, heatersusedto preventmoisturefromformingon theex- teriorof the refrigeratorwillbeturnedoff.Therefore,when
n | t | i |
the weatheris humid,there isa chancethat moisturewill | |||
formon the outsideofp the refrigeratorlcabineto. | e r |
Whenit isvery humid,enoughmoisturecanformto cause
water dropletsto~ rune downthe! cabinetexterior.The rhue -
midity%is mostlikelytop befhighinr the summer,ina o the early r morninghours,andin homeswhicharenotairconditioned.
5 n
d m
/Vote:T | n |
| c | t * | ut u o r | o Thismoisturemay*r not be objectionableuto youb . However,n O t | ||
e | i b | F | F | F | r | c | o over extendedr a - mDeriOdSito | is ~ossiblethatp e thetmoisture can e |
Mter adjustingthetemperaturecontrols,allow24 hoursfor temperaturesto stabilize.
If you turn your householdthermostatdownto 60° each evening,youmayfinditdesirabletoturnyourletteredcon- trolto coldersettingbyone letter,suchasfrom“C”to WY’ andleave it at thissettingduringthe entireperiodthatyou are settingthe householdthermostatdowneach evening. The numbered settingwill not likelyneed to be changed; however,if youexperiencefreezinginFreshFoodcompart- ment, you could set the numbered control one number
If a containerof milk is too warmor too cold to yourpref-
erenceafter beingon topshelfin Fresh Foodcompartment for a day, adjust TemperatureControls accordingly.
Wheh Fresh Foodcompartmenttemperature is satisfactory, make the ice cream test. If ice cream remains firm to the touch after being in Freezer compartment for a day,Tem- perature Controls are at proper setting. If the ice cream’s firmness is not to your liking,adjustcontrolsaccordingly.
Checka dayafterresettingeithercontrolto makesurethe newsettingis providingthe temperatureyoudesire.
If youadvancethe lettered controlto “E”to freezea quick supplyof ice cubesor a largeamountof food, be sureto resetthe controlto its previoussettingwithina day.
ca&e deteriora~ionto the paintedfinishof thecabinet.
W |
| t | E | S |
| S |
| n |
| w | |
i p |
| t | t | r |
| electricity |
| u |
| i |
| ||
flowsthroughthe lowwattage |
| ||||||||
heaterswhichwarmthe exterior |
| |||||||||
of the cabinet and, under mostconditions,prevent the |
| ||||||||||||||
formingof moistureor waterdroplets. |
| ||||||||||
YiMmayfind it most dosirab/BM mow ti8 iiflwgy ~akw Switch10tim |
| ||||||||||||||
ri@t Wjf in WW humid waatiw and iiiave the wtch ?#? |
| tit? |
| |||||||||||
rw?aindw o! tie tim8,wofl if $omc moistum forms from tire?@ tim$. |
| ||||||||||||||
fftn$fawe~it wilha impwtant@ w? appiimw pokh wax as dwcribadon |
| ||||||||||||||
pagi37tofmvide |
| fortfM paintfinish |
| |||||||
@ L~ati~~ Ofyourrefrigeratoris imfrortarkTrynotto l | i | n | tO |
| |||||||||||
y r |
| a h | v o w | s |
| w s | i ae |
| u |
| |||||
@~ |
| o |
| d | m | o | t | n |
| e | o |
| o |
@O |
| t | d | a s |
| a possible,particularlyinhot,humidw | I |
| o | |||||||
6 K |
| E |
| ~ | ~ |
| o | NORMALsettingunlessm |
| Wf | a | e |
| |||
o | e |
| o c |
| x |
| a |
| t | |
@ B | ~ | t |
| d | a | c | tightly.Beforeleavingthe houseor retir- |
| o | |||||||
ingforthenight,checkto b | s | d | h | b | l | a | i |
| |||||||
a |
| d |
| v |
| t o | e |
a ~ |
| ~ | t |
| f | r |
| refrig~raticminy e | r |
| h | e qn | ||||
@A |
| w |
| o h | foods | to COO{ b | placingt | i y | r |
| I |
| e | |||
@w |
| a m |
| f | b | p | t | i | t o |
| |||||
r |
| e |
| f |
| r |
@ K |
| a f |
| c |
| r | r | o~ | i | t r en | v e | o e | |||
4 ~ |
| w |
| i ~ | b l | m m w u oa a f | e a | u | ||||||||
@[ | Y | t |
| c | t | c | po~itionf | q oc | o | f | o |
| |||
b s | t t | t | b |
| t n | s |
| e | o | ||
@ D |
| ~ |
| y @ |
| overcrowding~ carlrtx@?wtraN%o g | e |
| |||||||
%ricalenergytOkeep |
| c |
| v |
| e |