To insert a dialling pause between numbers when storing a
number, press REDIAL until ‘P’ appears in the LCD display
Character Map
Key Characters
in order
0 0 .
1 Space _ * , 1
2 Aa Bb Cc ( 2
3 Dd Ee Ff ) 3
4 Gg Hh Ii # 4
5 Jj Kk Ll / 5
6 Mm Nn Oo ‘ 6
7 Pp Qq Rr Ss 7
8 Tt Uu Vv ? 8
9 Ww Xx Yy Zz 9
When entering letters, you can shift between upper and lower
case by pressing * key. If you need to enter the same letter twice
or another letter with the same key, wait a few seconds and the
cursor will move automatically to the next space.
View Phone Book Entries Press ‘PHONEBK’ soft key to enter the phone book
Use S and T to scroll through the phone book until you
find the contact you wish to view. If the Review Talking
feature is activated, the number (or name-if recorded) of
the highlighted entry will be announced
Press ‘VIEW’ soft key to view details of that phone
book entry
Dial a Phone Book Entry Press ‘PHONEBK’ soft key to enter the phone book