Record Voice Announce for a Phonebook Entry Press ‘PHONEBK’ soft key to enter the phone book
Use S and T to scroll through the phone book until you
find the contact you wish to edit
Press ‘VIEW’ soft key to view details of that phone
book entry
Press ‘OPTIONS’ soft key
Use S and T to select ‘RECORD VOICE’
Press ‘SELECT’ soft key
Select ‘YES’to confirm or ‘NO’to cancel. If you
confirm, you can record the name of the phonebook entry
(up to 6 seconds). You can also press ‘End’to confirm
and end the recording. Your recording will play back for
you immediately
Delete Voice Announce for a Phonebook Entry Press ‘PHONEBK’ soft key to enter the phone book
Use S and T to scroll through the phone book until you
find the contact you wish to edit
Press ‘VIEW’ soft key to view details of that phone