Use S and T to scroll through the phone book until you
find the contact you wish to dial
Pick up the handset or press the SPKR key, the number
is automatically dialled
Modify a Phone Book Entry Press ‘PHONEBK’ soft key to enter the phone book
Use S and T to scroll through the phone book until you
find the contact you wish to edit
Press ‘VIEW’ soft key to view details of that phone
book entry
Press ‘OPTIONS’ soft key
Use S and T to select ‘EDIT’
The curser will start to flash on the right hand side of the
name. Modify name using ‘CLEAR’ soft key to clear
the previous characters and then enter the correct
Press Tto edit the telephone number
The curser will start to flash on the right hand side of the
number. Modify number using ‘CLEAR’ soft key to
clear the previous digits and then enter the correct
digit(s). Press ‘SAVE’ soft key to confirm