(21)for more information.
Boththe MPX-40 have a touch sensitive JOG WHEEL (22) & will
simulatescratching with a record on a turntable. Use the JOG
WHEEL(22) to create precise cuts, scratches, backspins, & more.
10.SINGLE: Pressing the SINGLE (24) button activates the
SINGLEfunction. In SINGLE mode, the CD will play through
once& then stop. In pause, SINGLE (24) mode also scans through a
trackto the point where the music begins. This feature allows you to
startplay immediately at the beginning of the music without any
blankspace (which exists at the beginning of ever y track).
PressingSINGLE a second time activates the CONTINUOUS function
causingthe unit to play continuously (after the last track, the
unitwill return to the first track of the disc & continue to play).
CONTINUOUS& SINGLE functions appear in the display to indicate
whichmode the unit is in. When deactivated, no play function will
appearin the LCD (16). See LCD.
11.TIME: For CD(s) the TIME (25) button switches the time
displaybetween the 3 available choices listed under (16):
-Time elapsed on the track
-Total time remaining on the disc
-Time remaining on the track.
12.KEY: Pressing the KEY (26) button activates the KEY LOCK
function.With this feature engaged, using the PITCH SLIDE
CONTROL(30) will only modify the tempo of the track playing,
withoutchanging the key or tone of the track playing.
13.BPM: Use the BPM (27) button to count the beats per
minuteon a track. This feature will allow you to beat match
faster& easier. Press the BPM (27) button once to activate the BPM
(27);under the icon for PITCH in the LCD (16) BPM info will
appear.Press the button again to deactivate the BPM (27), the LCD
(16)will hide the BPM info under the icon for PITCH.
14.LOOP IN: Pressing LOOP IN (17) while a track is playing
willenter a loop point into the memor y,& the LOOP IN’s
greenLED will blink rapidly while memorizing the loop entr y point.
Thisis the first step in creating a SEAMLESS LOOP.
15.LOOP OUT: After a loop entry point is memorized, pressing
LOOPOUT (18) in play mode will complete the loop with
anexit point. This will repeat the section between the loop’s entr y
point,programmed with pressing LOOP IN (17), & a second exit
looppoint, when the LOOP OUT(18) button is pressed. Press LOOP
OUT(18) again to stop the loop from repeating & continue play
fromthe point where the loop ends.
16.RELOOP: Press RELOOP (19) for the unit to return to the
previouslyset loop. Press RELOOP (19) repeatedly for stuttering
theloop entr y point. The RELOOP (19) function automatically
returnsthe music to the loop point & will play the loop until it is
releasedwith LOOP OUT (18).
17.B-EDIT: Press B-EDIT (20) to edit the SEAMLESS LOOP.
Thisfeature allows you to adjust the exit point saved in your
LOOPOUT (18) setting with the use of the JOG WHEEL(22). SEE
18.PITCH: Pressing PITCH (28) enable you to select pitch
levelsranging from 4%, 8%, 16%, & 100%. Press the 4%
&16% (PITCH OFF) together to turn off the PITCH
CONTROLSLIDE (30). Press 4%, 8%, & 16%, simultaneously
toselect the 100% pitch setting.
19.PITCH BEND: Pushing the PITCH BEND (29) buttons
willautomatically raise the pitch up to +4% or lower the
pitchdown to -4% from the existing pitch setting. Releasing the
PITCHBEND (29) buttons will return the pitch to the original pitch
setting.You can use the PITCH BEND (29) to match beats when mixing
fromone song to another.
(30)up or down will lower or raise the pitch percentage up to the
selectedPITCH (28) setting.
(23)rotar y control in conjunction with the LCD Screen (16)
tofind MP3 files on a CD. By default, upon power up the unit
isin FILE mode, which which allows you to browse files just like
usingan normal Audio CD. If you press down the FILE/FOLDER
SEARCH(23) rotary control.once, this enters FOLDER mode, where
turningthe control allows you to browse all MP3 folders on a cd. By
pressingdown the control once again, this exits FOLDER. mode, and
allowsyou to once again look through the songs in a chosen
folder.Toselect a song within the folder,use the Track Knob (15)
22.REVERSE: The REVERSE (11) button simply plays the
trackin reverse.
23.MEMO/STORE: The MEMO/STORE (12) button allows
youto begin storing memor y in your CUE POINTS (13) &
24.SAMPLER: Use the SAMPLER (14) button(s) to play a
sectionof a track, stored in a sample memor y bank, over
thetrack playing to provide an extra layer to your mix. You may store
2samples in the SAMPLER (14) button(s). Once a sample is stored
therespective LED will remain lit indicating that the sample is ready
tobe used at the press of the button(s).
25.CUE POINTS: There are 3 CUE POINTS (13) that may be
createdon the fly. You may create an entry point in a track
fromwhich you will begin play instantly. By pressing the cue
point(s)you may jump to different sections of a song or a
CDwithout any breaks. This feature helps you eliminate
pausesinvolved in track search &/or play various points of a song
toshorten or enhance a mix.
1.Place a CD in the DISC IN SLOT (7) & push it in so the unit
acceptsthe CD. The disc will enter into the unit & begin to read.
2.Adjust the TRACK SKIP +10 (15) rotar y control to select the track
youwant to play for regular CD(s).
3.Press the PLAY/PAUSE (8) button & the unit will instantly play.
Tostore a sample, first you must press MEMO/STORE (12), the
blueMEMO/STORE (12) LED will be lit indicating that the unit is
readyfor sample storage. When the track has reached the desired
pointat which you would like the sample to begin, select a SAMPLER
(14)button where you would like the sample to be stored. Press the
SAMPLER(14) button. The green SAMPLER (14) LED will blink indicating
thatthe MEMO/STORE (12) is actively recording the sample.
Whenthe desired selection has reached the point at which you want
thesample to end press the same SAMPLER (14) button you have
chosento save the sample again to end recording. The green
SAMPLER(14) LED will remain lit once you have ended the recording.
Thesample is now stored & ready for play. You may press the
SAMPLER(14) button to layer the sample over any song. While the
sampleis playing, the green SAMPLER (14) LED will blink.
Tostop a sample from playing, press the SAMPLER (14) button
againwhile the sample is playing to cut it short. If you are not satisfied
withthe recording of the sample or its location, simply press the
MEMO/STORE(12) button & follow the sampler instructions from
Touse the CUE POINTS (13), you must first program the entry
point.Press the MEMO/STORE (12) button first to begin storing
yourCUE POINTS (13). The MEMO/STORE(12) LED will illuminate
toindicate that the unit is ready for cue storage. Select a location
tostore your CUE POINTS (13) by choosing one of the 3 CUE
POINTS(13) buttons.
Whenthe track reaches the point at which you would like your cue
tobegin, press a CUE POINT (13) button. The CUE POINT(13) LED
willblink when the cue selection has been stored. Press the CUE
POINT(13) button to start from that point in the song at any
momentduring play & the unit will automatically begin playing from
thatpoint. The CUE POINT (13) LED will continue blinking during
playto indicate that it is in use. When the CUE POINT (13) is no
longerin use, the CUE POINT (13) LED will remain on to indicate
thatthis cue point is still stored in that location.
Torerecord a CUE POINT (13), repeat these instructions. By selecting
aCUEPOINT (13) that already has stored information, you will
instantlyoverwrite this information.
Touse CUE (9) you must first find the point where you would like
tobegin play. Place the track in pause mode. This will activate the
stuttermode. Then use the JOG WHEEL (22) for fast, precise searching.
SEEJOG WHEEL (22) for more info.
Onceyou have found the point at which you would like to begin
playing,do not further adjust the JOG WHEEL (22). Then press
PLAY/PAUSE(8). Then CUE (9) LED will blink. YourCue is now set.
NOTE:The 100% Pitch setting is for regular CD’s
andwill not work with MP3 CD files.
availablefor regular CD’s not MP3 discs