4 Parameter indices of the equipment parameters
For a request and/or transmission of data from and/or to the R2600/01, not only the parameter index for the individual data but also the format and
thus the length of the data block in the long set are of interest. From the column "Format" of the parameter tables and section 2.4.4, the number, order
and contents of the characters of the data block can be found.
See the operating instructions for detailed information on the function of the data.

4.1 Temperature parameters

The temperature parameters are combined in the main parameter group 0.
In the R2600/01, they are stored in standardized form to the measuring range so that other values result when the sensor type or the unit of measure
is re-configured, or when a change is made from fixed value or slave controller to differential controller.

4.1.1 Table of temperature parameters

X1 = range span, X2 = upper range limit, MBU = X2 - X1, see 4.1.3
PI Parameter Display Format Unit Setting range Remarks
00h Set point ± 15 bits (4.1.2) SP L... SP H
01h High limit for relay A1 ± 15 bits (4.1.2) 0 = oFF, 1... MBU At rel. limit
X1 = oFF, X1 + 1 ... X2 At abs. limit and
fixed value controller
–MBU/2 = oFF,
–MBU/2 + 1 ... +MBU/2
At abs. limit and
differential controller
02h Low limit for relay A1 ± 15 bits (4.1.2) Same as PI = 01h Same as PI = 01h