Controls: Top, Back & Peripherals Defined
24CD Door The CD Door opens to expose the
25Open & Close Button Press the Open & Close Button to open and close the CD Door.
27Composite Video Output Use the Composite Video Output to send CD+G lyrics from the unit, to a television. See “Video Output: to a Television, or Monitor” under the Operations section.
28Audio Output Connect the Audio Output to an external audio source to play audio from the unit, on an external source. See “Audio Output: to a TV, or Stereo System” under the Operations section.
29Vertical Hold Dial Turn the Vertical Hold Dial to adjust the vertical hold of the 5 inch black and white monitor.
30Contrast Dial Turn the Contrast Dial to adjust the contrast of the 5 inch black and white monitor.
31Brightness Dial Turn the Brightness Dial to adjust the brightness of the 5 inch black and white monitor.
32Audio Input Connect the Audio Input to an external audio source to play audio from the external source, on the unit. See “Audio Input: from a TV, Mp3 Player, or DVD Player” under the Operations section.
33Composite Video Input Use the Composite Video Input to send video from an external video source, to the unit. See “Video Input: from a Television, or DVD Player” under the Operations section.
34RCA Audio/Video Cable The RCA Audio/Video Cable allows you to connect the unit to external audio and video products.