1. Place the child restraint
firmly against the back of
a forward-facing vehicle
2. NEVERplace thevehicle
belt over the top of the
child restraint.
Recline the child restraint
and thread the vehicle belt
through the belt path.
3. Buckle the vehicle belt .
The vehicle belt should not
be twisted or turned.
7.2 With a VehicleLap/Shoulder Belt
Before beginning, make sure that LATCHis stored. See
Section 8.1, Storing LATCHand Tether, page 32. If
your vehicle is equipped with tether anchor points,
remove the tether clip from the storage bar,otherwise
make sure that the tether is stored.
When using an approved combination lap/shoulder belt,
this child restraint is equipped with a lock-off that is
used to secure the shoulder portion of the belt so it will
not loosen or shift during use. Youmust use the
lock-off provided on the child restraint whenever you
are using a combination lap/shoulder belt to secure
your child restraint.