8.2 Airplane Use

8.1 Storing LATCHand Tether

8.0 Additional Information
1. For ease of storing, extend
LATCHto its maximum
2. Locate the storage bar on
back of child restraint .
3. Fasten LATCHconnectors
to storage bar as shown.
4. After fastening to storage
bar,pull on adjustment belt
to make sure LATCHis
securely fastened.
5. Fasten tether clip to storage
bar and tighten strap.
6. LATCHand tether storage
should look like this when
complete .
This restraint is certified for use in Motor Vehiclesand
Important points to remember
1. Airlines have some restrictions about the use of
child restraints.
2. Install your child restraint on an airplane in the
same way it is installed in an automobile with a lap
belt using recline position 2. (see Section 7.1, With a
VehicleLap Only Belt, pp. 22-23).
3. Check that the airplane seat belt holds the child
restraint securely in place at all times.