4.Tighten vehicle seat belt
Push down hard with your knee or free hand in the middle of the child restraint .
Then pull and tighten the vehicle belt.
For more information on how to tighten the belt for your seat belt systemVHHSection 8.0 &KRRVLQJDQ$SSURSULDWH9HKLFOH6HDW/RFDWLRQ SRU\RXUYHKLFOHRZQHU¶VPDQXDO
5. If a vehicle top tether anchor is available, secure the tether to hold seat in place.
6. Safety Check for Secure Installation | |
Perform this test every time you drive with your child. |
Twist and pull child restraint forward and to
both sides to make sure the vehicle belt does not lengthen or loosen and the child restraint does not easily move. The child restraint should not move side to side or forward more than 1 inch (2.5 cm). .If
Section 8.0 Choosing an Appropriate Vehicle Seat
/RFDWLRQS | 37 |