Turbine Alternator RemovalFan Air Valve Replacement
. emove power cartridge from the gun body as. lace a wrench on the flats of the valve housing
described underPower | Cartridge Replacement. | and remove it from the gun body . ee Fig2 |
2.arefully twist the turbine alternatorcounter2a 2. emove the retaining ring 6. clockwise and pull it off the power supply until
just disengaged from the coupling. hen continue3. otate the air adjusting screw6 counterclock
to slowly pull the turbine alternator away from thewise until it is disengaged from the valve hous
power supply disconnecting the 3:wire connector | threads. ull the adjusting screw out of the va |
HH. ee Fig . | housing. |
3.sing an ohmmeter test the coil in the turbinealter:. lean all the parts and inspect them for wea nator 2a. Measure the resistance between the two damage. f replacing the seal unsclockrew it
outer terminals of the 3:wire connector HH. he wise and remove it from the adjusting screw.
resistance should be 3 to ohms. f the reading var:
ies from this value replace the alternator. . pply medium grade thread sealant to the sm threads on the end of the adjusting screw 6
. Measure the resistance between each outer termi: install a new seal left hand thread.
nal of the 3:wire connector HH and the turbine al:
6. When reassembling the fan air valve lubricate t ternator housing. he resistance should be infinite.
f the resistance is not infinite replace the
. artially connect the 3:wire connector HH onto the
. fter the retaining ring 6 is installed on the ad
prongs inside the power supply . ee Fig . s:
ing a small screwdriver push the connector onto theing screw 6 back the adjusting screw out of | ||
prongs until seated. | valve housing until it bottoms out against the | |
taining ring. | ||
6.lide the turbine alternator 2a onto the power sup:
ply being sure to align the coupling between.thepply eflonr paste to the threads of the valve ho power supply and the turbine alternator housing. ing and install it in the gun body . orq
hen twist the turbine alternatclockwiser | to lock | housing to |
| ||
the coupling. |
1 Gun ody
. nstall the power cartridge in the gun body as
described underPower Cartridge Replacement. 46 etaining ing 47 Valve eal
| 54 | :ing | |
| 55 | Valve Housing | ||
HH |
| ||||
| 56 | djusting crew | |||
2a | lternator | 2a | |||
| ||||
5 | ower upply | HH |
| |
Apply Teflon paste. Torque to
Fig 20
Fig 19