Grandstream Networks, Inc. | ||
MAC Address |
IP Address |
Product Model |
Software Version |
System Uptime |
Registered |
PPPoE Link Up |
NAT Mapped IP |
Other Statistical |
Status of Phone |
The device ID, in HEX format. This is very important ID for ISP troubleshooting.
This field shows IP address of BudgeTone 100.
This field contains the product model info. Like BT100 (4M, discontinued legacy product) or BT100 REV2.0 (8M RAM)
Program: This is the main firmware release usually requested by support.
Bootloader: This indicates bootloader version.
HTML: This indicates the web interface version, normally not changed unless there is new parameter introduced in.
VOC: This indicates the coder program version, normally not changed.
This shows system up time since last reboot.
This shows whether the unit is registered to VoIP service provider’s server or proxy.
This shows whether the PPPoE is up if connected to DSL modem
This shows what kind of NAT the BudgeTone is behind if it is not in open interne, determined by STUN, usually is Full Cone, Port Restricted Cone etc.,
WAN side public IP of the NAT router if phone connected to LAN port of the router
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