DHCP hostname This option specifies the name of the client. This field is optional but may be
required by some Internet Service Providers. Default is blank.
DHCP domain This option specifies the domain name that client should use when resolving
hostnames via the Domain Name System. Default is blank.
DHCP vendor class
ID Used by clients and servers to exchange vendor-specific information. Default is
Grandstream GXW-410x.
PPPoE account ID PPPoE username. Necessary if ISP requires you to use a PPPoE (Point to
Point Protocol over Ethernet) connection.
PPPoE password PPPoE account password.
PPPoE Service
Name This field is optional. If your ISP uses a service name for the PPPoE connection,
enter the service name here. Default is blank.
Time Zone Controls how the date/time is displayed according to the specified time zone.
Daylight Savings
Time This parameter controls whether the displayed time will be daylight savings time
or not. If set to “Yes” and the Optional Rule is empty, then the displayed time will
be 1 hour ahead of normal time. The “Automatic Daylight Saving Time Rule”
shall have the following syntax:
Both start-time and end-time have the same syntax:
Month ,day ,weekday ,hour ,minute
month: 1,2,3,..,12 (for Jan, Feb, .., Dec)
day: [+|-]1,2,3,..,31
weekday: 1, 2, 3, .., 7 (for Mon, Tue, .., Sun), or 0 which means the daylight
saving rule is not based on week days but based on the day of the month.
hour: hour (0-23),
minute: minute (0-59)
If “weekday” is 0, it means the date to start or end daylight saving is at exactly
the given date. In that case, the “day” value must not be negative. If “weekday”
is not zero and “day” is positive, then the daylight saving starts on the first
“day”th iteration of the weekday (1st Sunday, 3rd Tuesday etc). If “weekday” us
not zero and “day” is negative, then the daylight saving starts on the last “day”th
iteration of the weekday (last Sunday, 3rd last Tuesday etc). The saving is in the
unit of minutes. The saving time may also be preceded by a negative (-) sign if
subtraction is desired instead of addition. The default value for “Automatic
Daylight Saving Time Rule” shall be set to
“03,11,0,02,00;11,04,0,02,00;60” which is the rule for US.
US where daylight saving time is applicable:
This means the daylight saving time starts from 11th March at 2AM and ends
November 4th at 2AM. The saving is 60 minutes (1hour).
You may also access the Device Status page which provides details of the GXW product. The Device
Status page terms are defined in Table 7: Status Page Definitions.
Grandstream Networks, Inc. GXW-410x User Manual Page 14 of 37
Firmware Updated: 04/2007