Upgrade &
This radio button will enable GXW-410x to download firmware or configuration file
through either TFTP or HTTP.
Server If selected, the GXW410x will attempt to retrieve new configuration file or new code
image from the specified TFTP server at boot time. It will make up to 5 attempts before
timeout and then it will start the boot process using the existing code image in the Flash
memory. If a TFTP server is configured and a new code image is retrieved, the new
downloaded image will be verified and then saved into the Flash memory.
Note: Please do NOT interrupt the TFTP upgrade process (especially the power supply)
as this will damage the device. Depending on the network environment this process
can take up to 15 or 20 minutes.
Server The URL for the HTTP server used for firmware upgrade and configuration via HTTP.
For example, ttp://provisioning.mycompany.com:6688/Grandstream/
Here “:6688” is the specific TCP port that the HTTP server is listening at, it can be
omitted if using default port 80.
Note: If Auto Upgrade is set to No, GXW-410x will only do HTTP download once at boot
Server Path IP address or domain name of firmware server.
Config Server
Path IP address or domain name of configuration server.
Firmware File
Prefix Default is blank. If configured, GXW400X will request firmware file with the prefix. This
setting is useful for ITSPs. End user should keep it blank.
Firmware File
Postfix Default is blank. End user should keep it blank.
Config File
Prefix Default is blank. End user should keep it blank.
Config File
Postfix Default is blank. End user should keep it blank.
Upgrade Choose Yes to enable automatic upgrade and provisioning. In “Check for new firmware
every” field, enter the number of minutes to enable GXW-410x to check the server for
firmware upgrade or configuration. When set to No, GXW-410x will only do upgrade
once at boot up. Other options are:-
“ Always check for New Firmware.”
“ Check New Firmware only when F/W pre/suffix changes”
“ Always skip the Firmware check”
Conf File If set to Yes, config file is authenticated before acceptance. This protects the
configuration from an unauthorized change.
Syslog Server The IP address or URL of System log server. This feature is especially useful for ITSP
(Internet Telephone Service Provider)
Grandstream Networks, Inc. GXW-410x User Manual Page 17 of 37
Firmware Updated: 04/2007