To replace the blade:
1.Slide the blade through the table slot, ensur- ing that the teeth are pointing down toward the table. If the teeth will not point downward in any orientation, the blade is
2.Slip the blade through the upper and lower guides, and mount it over the upper and lower wheels.
3.Apply tension, then check and adjust track- ing.
4.Adjust the upper and lower guide blocks and the support bearings.
5.Close and tighten the wheel covers.
6.Replace the table insert and table pin, being sure not to use excessive force when insert- ing the table pin.
Scale Calibration
You may need to recalibrate the fence scale after changing or adjusting the blade, or if the scale is not producing accurate cuts. Recalibrate the fence scale by adjusting the hairline indicator on the fence and testing your adjustment by cutting a piece of scrap wood.
To calibrate the scale:
1.Set the fence anywhere along the scale and locate a scrap piece of wood with at least one straight edge. Joint the edge with a join- ter if needed to make a straight edge.
2.Holding the straight edge of the workpiece firmly against the fence, feed the workpiece through the saw blade with a push stick.
3.Measure the width of the cut workpiece. The width of the workpiece should be the same as the reading on the fence scale.
4.If the reading on the scale is not the same as the width of the cut workpiece, loosen the screws on the magnifying window as shown in Figure 37 and adjust it to match the width of the cut workpiece.
5.Tighten the screws and the scale is now cor- rectly calibrated.
Figure 37. Scale recalibration screws.
G0555 14" Ultimate Bandsaw |