The blade guides should not touch the blade after the dollar bill is removed.
Whenever changing a blade or adjusting tension and tracking, the upper and lower blade guides and
Adjusting Positive
6c VY_jhiVWaZ edh^i^kZ hide Vaadlh i]Z iVWaZ id ZVh^angZijgcid.%ßV[iZgi^ai^c\#
To set the positive stop 90˚ to the blade:
1. BV`ZhjgZi]ZWaVYZ^hXdggZXianiZch^dcZYVh YZhXg^WZY ^c i]Z Tensioning Blade ^chigjX" i^dchdcPage 20#
3. AddhZci]ZildeaVhi^X`cdWhi]VihZXjgZi]Z iVWaZidi]Zigjcc^dch#
4. AddhZc i]Z ]Zm cji i]Vi adX`h i]Z edh^i^kZ hideWdai^ceaVXZ#
5. GV^hZ i]Z jeeZg WaVYZ \j^YZ VhhZbWan VcY eaVXZ V + bVX]^c^hi»h hfjVgZ dg ign"hfjVgZ dci]ZiVWaZcZmiidi]Zh^YZd[i]ZWaVYZVh ^aajhigViZY ^c Figure 27# 6Y_jhi i]Z edh^i^kZ hideWdaiidgV^hZdgadlZgi]ZiVWaZjci^ai]Z iVWaZ^h.%ßidi]ZWaVYZ#
Figure 27.HfjVg^c\iVWaZidWaVYZ# |
6. HZXjgZi]ZeaVhi^X`cdWhVcYadX`i]Zedh^i^kZ hideWdaiWni^\]iZc^c\i]Z]ZmcjiV\V^chii]Z XVhi^c\#Ensure that the bolt does not turn by holding it with another wrench while tighten- ing the hex nut.
Setting Table
Tilt Scale to 0˚
I]Zed^ciZgdci]ZiVWaZi^aihXVaZbjhiWZXVa^" WgViZY^cdgYZg[dgi]ZhXVaZgZVY^c\idWZVXXj" gViZ#
To calibrate the pointer on the table tilt scale:
1. BV`Z hjgZ i]Z WaVYZ ^h iZch^dcZY$igVX`^c\ XdggZXianVcYi]Vii]ZiVWaZ^h.%ßidi]ZWaVYZ i]^hegdXZYjgZh]djaYWZVagZVYnXdbeaZiZY l^i] i]Z Adjusting Positive Stop ^chigjX" i^dch#
2. AddhZci]Zed^ciZghXgZl#
3. 6a^\ci]Zi^ed[i]Zed^ciZgl^i]i]Z%ßbVg`dc i]ZiVWaZi^aihXVaZ#
4. I^\]iZci]Zed^ciZghXgZl#