Aligning Table
IdZchjgZXjii^c\VXXjgVXnl]Zci]ZiVWaZ^h[^ghi ^chiVaaZY!i]ZiVWaZh]djaYWZVa^\cZYhdi]Zb^iZg hadi^heVgVaaZaidi]ZWVcYhVlWaVYZ#This proce- dure works best with a 3⁄4" blade.
To align the miter slot parallel to the bandsaw blade:
1. BV`ZhjgZi]ZWaVYZ^higVX`^c\egdeZganVcY i]Vi^i^hXdggZXianiZch^dcZY#
3. AddhZc i]Z igjcc^dc Wdaih i]Vi hZXjgZ i]Z igjcc^dchidi]ZiVWaZ#
4. EaVXZ Vc VXXjgViZ higV^\]iZY\Z Vadc\ i]Z WaVYZ# I]Z higV^\]iZY\Z h]djaY a^\]ian idjX] Wdi]i]Z[gdciVcYWVX`d[i]ZWaVYZi]Z[aVi eVgidcanl^i]djiidjX]^c\i]ZWaVYZiZZi]#
5. JhZV[^cZgjaZgid\Vj\Zi]ZY^hiVcXZWZilZZc i]ZhigV^\]iZY\ZVcYi]Zb^iZghadi#I]ZY^h" iVcXZ ndj bZVhjgZ h]djaY WZ i]Z hVbZ Vi Wdi] i]Z [gdci VcY WVX` ZcYh d[ i]Z b^iZg hadi#
6. 6Y_jhii]ZiVWaZVhcZZYZYjci^ai]ZY^hiVcXZ WZilZZci]ZWaVYZVcYb^iZghadi^hZfjVaVi Wdi]ZcYh#
7. I^\]iZci]Zigjcc^dcWdaih#
Aligning Fence
Id ZchjgZ Xjii^c\ VXXjgVXn! i]Z [ZcXZ bjhi WZ eVgVaaZal^i]i]Zb^iZghadi#
To align the fence parallel with the miter slot:
1. >[i]Z[ZcXZ^hbdjciZYdci]ZaZ[i"]VcYh^YZ d[i]ZWaVYZ!gZbdkZ^iVcYgZbdjci^idci]Z g^\]i"]VcYh^YZd[i]ZWaVYZ#
2. 6Y_jhii]Z[ZcXZ[VXZeVgVaaZal^i]i]ZZY\Zd[ i]Zb^iZghadi#
3. AddhZc i]Z ild XVe hXgZlh i]Vi bdjci i]Z [gdcigV^aidi]ZiVWaZ#
4. EaVXZ h]^bh WZilZZc i]Z [gdci gV^a VcY i]Z iVWaZVhcZXZhhVgnidbV`Zi]Z[ZcXZeVgVaaZa l^i]i]Zb^iZghadi#
Note: Shim stock works well for this, but small pieces of paper can also work in a pinch.
Adjusting the fence parallel to the miter slot does not guarantee straight cuts. The miter slot may need to be adjusted parallel to the side of the blade. Refer to the Aligning Table instructions.