Grizzly G0621X owner manual Guide Post, Table Tilt, To tilt the table

Models: G0621X

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™ L]ZcXjii^c\bZiVa!eVnViiZci^dcidi]ZX]Vg" VXiZg^hi^Xh d[ i]Z X]^eh l]Zc Xjii^c\ i]Zn VgZ \ddY ^cY^XVidgh d[ egdeZg WaVYZ heZZY VcY [ZZY gViZ# Figure 30 h]dlh i]Z WVh^X X]^eX]VgVXiZg^hi^XhVcYl]Vii]ZnbZVc#

8]^ehVgZl^Yi]d[ iddi]!i]^c!XjgaZY! VcYh^akZgn/ Dei^bjbheZZYVcY [ZZYgViZ#

Guide Post

I]Z \j^YZ edhi h]dlc ^c Figure 31 XdccZXih i]ZjeeZgWaVYZ\j^YZVhhZbWanidi]ZWVcYhVl# I]Z\j^YZedhiVaadlhi]ZWaVYZ\j^YZVhhZbWanid bdkZjedgYdlcidWZVhXadhZidi]Zldg`e^ZXZ Vhedhh^WaZ#>cdgYZgidXjiVXXjgViZanVcYhV[Zan! i]ZWdiidbd[i]ZWaVYZ\j^YZVhhZbWanbjhiWZ cdbdgZi]Vc&[gdbi]Zldg`e^ZXZViVaai^bZh i]^h edh^i^dc^c\ egdk^YZh i]Z \gZViZhi WaVYZ hje" edgi VcY b^c^b^oZh i]Z Vbdjci d[ bdk^c\ WaVYZ ZmedhZYidi]ZdeZgVidg#

8]^ehVgZh^akZgn! i]^c!hbVaa!dg edlYZgn/>cXgZVhZ [ZZYgViZ#

8]^ehVgZaVg\Z! XjgaZY!WajZdg Wgdlc!dghbd`^c\/ 9ZXgZVhZ[ZZYgViZ#

Figure 30. Reading chip characteristics.

Table Tilt


<j^YZEdhi =VcYl]ZZa

<j^YZEdhi AdX`@cdW

7aVYZ<j^YZ 6hhZbWan


To tilt the table:

1. AddhZc i]Z ild igjcc^dc `cdWh jcYZgcZVi] i]ZiVWaZ#

2. I^ai i]Z iVWaZ id i]Z YZh^gZY Vc\aZ#GZ[Zg id i]ZVc\aZ\Vj\Zdci]Z[gdciiVWaZigjcc^dc#

3. GZi^\]iZcWdi]iVWaZ"ijcc^dc`cdWh#


The positive stop must be removed to move the table to the left.


Figure 31.<j^YZedhiXdcigdah#

To adjust the blade guide assembly on the guide post (the bandsaw must be turned OFF):

1.BV`Z hjgZ i]Vi i]Z WaVYZ iZch^dc! WaVYZ igVX`^c\! hjeedgi WZVg^c\! VcY WaVYZ \j^YZh VgZVY_jhiZYXdggZXian#

2. AddhZc i]Z \j^YZ edhi adX` `cdW h]dlc ^c Figure 31#

3. GV^hZ$adlZgi]Z\j^YZedhihdi]ZWdiidbd[ i]ZWaVYZ\j^YZVhhZbWan^haZhhi]Vc&[gdb i]Zided[i]Zldg`e^ZXZ#

4# AdX`i]Z\j^YZedhil^i]i]ZadX``cdW#


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Image 29
Grizzly G0621X Guide Post, Table Tilt, To tilt the table, Positive stop must be removed to move the table to the left