To inspect the cutterhead, gib, and knives:
2.Carefully clean the cutterhead with a rag and inspect the following:
•Make sure the threaded screw holes do not contain wood material or sawdust.
•Make sure that the hex socket and the threads of all hex screws are in good condition. Replace if questionable.
•Make sure any resin or glue buildup on the cutterhead, gib, and knives is removed so the knife and gib will sit flat on the cutterhead.
•Make sure the knives are free of cracks. If any cracks exist, replace both knives.
To maintain accurate and consistent planing results, we do not recommend sharpening the knives. Instead, replace the knives when they get dull.
The knives on the Model G0663 Planer are revers- ible and should always be reversed or replaced as a matched set. To avoid downtime, we recom- mend having an extra set of knives for your planer (Model T20413 in the Grizzly catalog or website). Once the cutterhead, gib, and knives have been inspected and prepared, install the knives.
To install the knives:
2.Using the magnets, position the knife over the two pins on the cutterhead. Be sure the knife is oriented with the beveled edge up, as shown in Figure 22.
Beveled Edge Up |
Pins |