Moving & Placing
The Model G0701 is a heavy machine. Serious personal injury may occur if safe moving methods are not used. To be safe, get assistance and use power equipment to move the shipping crate and remove the machine from the crate.
IV`Z heZX^Va XVgZ l]Zc a^[i^c\ VcY bdk^c\ i]Z BdYZa <%,%&# JhZ dcan dcZ d[ i]Z [daadl^c\ bZi]dYh id eaVXZ ndjg WVcYhVl ^c ^ih deZgVi^c\ adXVi^dc#
Using Lifting Eye Bolts
1. L^i]i]Z]Zaed[Vcdi]ZgeZghdcidhiZVYni]Z adVY!jhZi]Z[dg`a^[iidbdkZi]Zh]^ee^c\eVa" aZiVcYWVcYhVlid^ihdeZgVi^c\adXVi^dc#
2. GZbdkZi]Zh]^ee^c\XgViZ[gdbi]ZeVaaZi#
3. >chiVaa i]Z a^[i^c\ ZnZ Wdaih! Vh ^aajhigViZY ^c Figure 6!bV`^c\hjgZi]ZnVgZi]gZVYZYVaa i]ZlVn^c#
Figure 6.A^[i^c\ZnZWdaih^chiVaaZY#
4. JcWdaii]ZWVcYhVl[gdbi]Zh]^ee^c\eVaaZi#
5. 6iiVX] i]Z hV[Zin a^[i^c\ ]dd`h VcY X]V^ch$ higVeh gViZY [dg Vi aZVhi &%%% aWh# id i]Z ZnZWdaihVcY[dg`a^[i$]d^hi!i]Zchadlana^[ii]Z WVcYhVl#
6. 8VgZ[jaan gZbdkZ i]Z h]^ee^c\ eVaaZi VcY eaVXZi]ZWVcYhVldci]Z[addg#
7. Bdjcii]ZbVX]^cZidi]Z[addgl^i]dcZd[i]Z dei^dchdjia^cZY^ci]ZcZmihjWhZXi^dc#
Using Wood Shims
1. L^i]i]Z]Zaed[Vcdi]ZgeZghdcidhiZVYni]Z adVY!jhZi]Z[dg`a^[iidbdkZi]Zh]^ee^c\eVa" aZiVcYWVcYhVlid^ihdeZgVi^c\adXVi^dc#
2. GZbdkZi]Zh]^ee^c\XgViZ[gdbi]ZeVaaZi#
3. JcWdaii]ZWVcYhVl[gdbi]Zh]^ee^c\eVaaZi#
4. 8VgZ[jaan edh^i^dc i]Z [dg`h d[ i]Z [dg`a^[i jcYZgi]ZWVcYhVl]ZVY!Vhh]dlc^cFigure 7!i]ZceaVXZV&m)lddYh]^bWZilZZci]Z ]ZVYVcYi]Zg^\]i[dg`VcYV'm)lddYh]^b WZilZZci]Z]ZVYVcYi]ZaZ[i[dg`#
Note: If you are concerned about your forklift forks hitting the tension handwheel, remove it for this step, then
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Figure 7.Jh^c\lddYh]^bhida^[ii]ZWVcYhVl#
5. L^i]i]Z]Zaed[Vcdi]ZgeZghdcidhiZVYni]Z adVY! XVgZ[jaan a^[i i]Z WVcYhVl! gZbdkZ i]Z h]^ee^c\ eVaaZi! i]Zc eaVXZ i]Z bVX]^cZ dc i]Z[addg#
6. Bdjcii]ZbVX]^cZidi]Z[addgl^i]dcZd[i]Z dei^dchdjia^cZY^ci]ZcZmihjWhZXi^dc#