Replacing V-Belts

1. ;daadl Steps 1-3 ^c Checking V-Belts dc Page 53#

2. DeZc i]Z l]ZZa XdkZgh! i]Zc gZbdkZ i]Z WVcYhVlWaVYZgZ[ZgidBlade Changesdc Page 41#

3. AddhZci]ZbdidgVY_jhibZcihXgZlhh]dlc ^cFigure 72 dc Page 53! i]Zcijgci]ZiZc" h^dccjiXdjciZgXadX`l^hZ#


5. GZbdkZi]Zl]ZZaXVehXgZlVcY[aVilVh]Zg h]dlc ^c Figure 73! i]Zc ha^YZ i]Z adlZg l]ZZadjiVcYhZi^idcV[aVihjg[VXZ#



Figure 73.L]ZZaXVehXgZl[dggZbdk^c\i]Z


6. GZbdkZi]ZdaYK"WZaih[gdbi]ZadlZgl]ZZa ejaaZn#

7. >cheZXii]ZWgV`Zh]dZ#

 >[i]ZWgV`ZeVYi]^X`cZhhbZVhjgZh&bb dgaZhh!i]Zc^icZZYhidWZgZeaVXZY#;daadl i]Z^chigjXi^dch^cReplacing Brake Shoe dcPage 59idgZeaVXZ^i#


8. EaVXZ i]Z cZl K"WZaih dcid i]Z adlZg l]ZZa ejaaZn#

9. Ha^YZi]Zl]ZZaVaai]ZlVnidlVgYhi]ZWVX` d[ i]Z bVX]^cZ! i]Zc hZXjgZ ^i l^i] i]Z XVe hXgZlVcY[aVilVh]ZggZbdkZY^cStep 5#

In the next step you must be extremely care- ful while rolling the belts onto the pulley. Your fingers could be pinched between the pulley and belts if you are not careful.

10. Gdaai]ZcZlK"WZaihdcidi]ZbdidgejaaZn#

Note: Replace both V-belts as a matched set.

11. IZch^dci]ZK"WZaihhZZTensioning V-Beltsdc Page 53! i]Zc i^\]iZc i]Z bdidg VY_jhi" bZcihXgZlh#

12. GZ"^chiVaa i]Z WaVYZ! VY_jhi WaVYZ iZch^dc gZ[ZgidPage 22VcYigVX`^c\gZ[ZgidPage 16!i]ZcXadhZi]Zl]ZZaXdkZgh#


Page 56
Image 56
Grizzly G0701 Replacing V-Belts,  daadl Steps 1-3 c Checking V-Belts dc Page 53#, LZZa8VeHXgZl VcYaViLVhZg