Note: When the foot brake is used, a "kill" switch stops the flow of power to the machine. It is the steady pressure on the foot brake that quickly brings the blade to a full stop.

11. HiVgi i]Z bVX]^cZ! i]Zc Veean hiZVYn egZh" hjgZidi]Z[ddiWgV`Z#

>[ i]Z bVX]^cZ ijgch OFF VcY i]Z WaVYZ XdbZhidVgVe^Yhide!i]Z[ddiWgV`Zhnh" iZb^hldg`^c\egdeZgan#

>[ i]Z bVX]^cZ YdZh CDI ijgc OFF! i]Z [ddiWgV`ZhnhiZb^hcdildg`^c\XdggZXian# >bbZY^ViZan egZhh i]Z D;; Wjiidc VcY Y^hXdccZXi i]Z bVX]^cZ [gdb edlZg# I]^h hV[Zin [ZVijgZ bjhi ldg` egdeZgan WZ[dgZ egdXZZY^c\ l^i] gZ\jaVg deZgVi^dch# 8Vaa IZX]Hjeedgi[dg]Zae#

12. EgZhh i]Z D;; Wjiidc! lV^i [dg i]Z WaVYZ id XdbZ id V XdbeaZiZ hide! i]Zc deZc i]Z jeeZg l]ZZa XdkZg Veegdm^bViZan & id VXi^" kViZi]ZhV[Zinhl^iX]#

Note: This safety switch is designed to inter- rupt power to the motors when the door is open.

13. L]^aZhiVcY^c\idi]ZaZ[id[i]ZbVX]^cZVcY VlVn [gdb i]Z deZc l]ZZa XdkZg! gZhZi i]Z D;; Wjiidc VcY egZhh i]Z DC Wjiidc# I]Z bVX]^cZh]djaYCDIhiVgi#

>[ i]Z bVX]^cZ YdZh cdi hiVgi! i]Z jeeZg l]ZZaXdkZghV[Zinhl^iX][ZVijgZ^hldg`" ^c\XdggZXian#I]ZTest Run^hXdbeaZiZ#

>[ i]Z bVX]^cZ YdZh hiVgi! ^bbZY^ViZan egZhh i]Z D;; Wjiidc VcY Y^hXdccZXi i]Z bVX]^cZ [gdb edlZg# I]Z jeeZg l]ZZa XdkZghV[Zinhl^iX]^hcdildg`^c\XdggZXian# I]^h hV[Zin [ZVijgZ bjhi ldg` egdeZgan WZ[dgZegdXZZY^c\l^i]gZ\jaVgdeZgVi^dch# 8VaaIZX]Hjeedgi[dg]Zae#




6[iZg hjXXZhh[jaan XdbeaZi^c\ i]Z Test Run! i]Z VY_jhibZci egdXZYjgZh a^hiZY WZadl bjhi WZ eZg[dgbZY id ZchjgZ hV[Z VcY VXXjgViZ Xjii^c\ deZgVi^dchgZ[Zg id i]Z [daadl^c\ hjWhZXi^dch [dg YZiV^aZY^chigjXi^dch/

™ EgdeZganiZch^dci]ZWaVYZPage 23#

™ 6a^\ci]ZiVWaZl^i]i]ZWaVYZPage 23#

™ HfjVgZ i]Z b^iZg \Vj\Z WdYn id i]Z WaVYZ Page 24#

™ 6a^\ci]Z[ZcXZl^i]i]ZWaVYZPage 25# ™ 8Va^WgViZi]Z[ZcXZed^ciZgPage 26#

™ 6a^\c^c\ i]Z WaVYZ \j^YZ VcY hjeedgi WZVg" ^c\hPage 26#

Tensioning Blade

6egdeZganiZch^dcZYWaVYZ^hZhhZci^Va[dgbV`^c\ VXXjgViZXjih!ZmiZcY^c\i]Za^[Zd[i]ZWaVYZ!VcY bV`^c\ bVcn di]Zg WVcYhVl VY_jhibZcih# ;dg ^chiVcXZ! ZkZgn i^bZ ndj gZeaVXZ i]Z WaVYZ! ndj bjhi eZg[dgb i]^h egdXZYjgZ WZXVjhZ Vaa WaVYZh iZch^dcY^[[ZgZcian#

Note: Before you performed the Test Run, you set the blade to its approximate tension. The fol- lowing procedure fine-tunes the blade tension to ensure accurate cutting results.

To correctly tension the bandsaw blade:

1. BV`Z hjgZ i]Z WVcYhVl ^h ijgcZY OFF VcY i]ZWaVYZ]VhXdbZidVXdbeaZiZhide#

2. JhZi]Z\j^YZedhiZaZkVi^dcXdcigdaidgV^hZ i]Z\j^YZedhiVaai]ZlVnje!i]ZcbdkZi]Z jeeZg VcY adlZg \j^YZ$hjeedgi WZVg^c\h Vh [VgVlVn[gdbi]ZWaVYZVhedhh^WaZgZ[Zgid Adjusting Blade Guide Bearings dc Page 29[dgYZiV^aZY^chigjXi^dch#

Note: This procedure will NOT work correctly if the guide/support bearings are in contact with the blade.


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Image 24
Grizzly G0701 owner manual Additional Adjustments, Tensioning Blade, To correctly tension the bandsaw blade