>[i]Z\j^YZedhi"id"WaVYZY^hiVcXZ^h\gZVi" Zg Vi i]Z Wdiidb i]Vc Vi i]Z ide! eaVXZ V h]^b  WZilZZc i]Z Wdiidb d[ i]Z WgVX`Zi VcY i]Z [gVbZH]^b6# I]^h l^aa i^ai i]Z Wdiidbd[i]Z\j^YZedhiidlVgYi]ZWaVYZ#

>[ i]Z \j^YZ edhi"id"WaVYZ Y^hiVcXZ ^h aZhh Vii]ZWdiidbi]VcVii]Zide!eaVXZVh]^b WZilZZc i]Z ide d[ i]Z WgVX`Zi VcY i]Z [gVbZH]^b7#I]^hl^aai^aii]ZWdiidbd[ i]Z\j^YZedhiVlVn[gdbi]ZWaVYZ#

10. I^\]iZci]Z[djghXgZlhh]dlc^cFigure 78! i]ZcgZeZViSteps 78#


12. GZ"^chiVaa i]Z WaVYZ \jVgY l^i] i]Z ild XVe hXgZlhVcY]ZmWdaindjgZbdkZY^cStep 4#

Tip: It may help to install the lower part of the guard first with the cap screws, then install the hex bolt. Also, when the guide post assembly is raised up there is limited room to access the hole where the hex bolt threads in. So, try installing the hex bolt with the guide post assembly closer to the table.


14. GZ"^chiVaa i]Z WaVYZ VcY i]Z iVWaZ e^c! i]Zc XadhZi]Zl]ZZaXdkZgh#

15. 8]ZX` i]Z WaVYZ iZch^dc gZ[Zg id Page 22 VcYigVX`^c\gZ[ZgidPage 16#

16. EZg[dgb i]Z Aligning Blade Bearings VcY Adjusting Blade Guide Bearings egdXZ" YjgZhdcPages 26 VcY29#


Replacing Guide

Post Motor

>[i]Z\j^YZedhibdidgZkZgcZZYhidWZgZeaVXZY! XdciVXi djg IZX]c^XVa Hjeedgi 9ZeVgibZci Vi *,% *)+".++( id dgYZg i]Z gZeaVXZbZci \j^YZ edhibdidgEVgiE%,%&)%*gZ[ZgidPage 76#

Tools NeededQty

E]^aa^eh=ZVYHXgZlYg^kZg################################## &

To replace the guide post motor:


2. GZbdkZ i]Z WaVYZ \jVgY [gdb i]Z \j^YZ edhi#


4.GZbdkZi]ZE]^aa^eh]ZVYhXgZlhi]VihZXjgZ i]Zbdidgidi]Z\ZVgWdmhZZFigure 82#









Figure 82.AdXVi^dcd[\j^YZedhibdidg#

5.9^hXdccZXi i]Z \j^YZ edhi bdidg l^gZh [gdb i]Zl^gZh^ch^YZi]ZjeeZg[gVbZ!bV`^c\hjgZ ndjhZXjgZi]ZhZidi]ZWVcYhVliZbedgVg^an idVkd^Yi]Zedhh^W^a^ind[i]ZbYgdee^c\^cid i]Z[gVbZ#


Page 60
Image 60
Grizzly G0701 Replacing Guide Post Motor, GZchiVaaiZWaVYZ\jYZVhhZbWan#, To replace the guide post motor, HXgZl ZVg7dm