7.AddhZci]Z_VbcjiadXViZYVii]ZgZVgd[i]Z a^b^iWadX`h]V[i#

8. Jh^c\ V hXgZlYg^kZg! ijgc i]Z a^b^i WadX` hZi hXgZl jci^a i]Z a^b^i WadX` h]V[i XdciVXih i]Z [ZcXZ#

9. I^\]iZci]Z_Vbcji#I]Z.%§hide^hcdlhZi egZX^hZan#

To set the inward 45º stop:


2. L^i] i]Z [ZcXZ edh^i^dcZY dkZg i]Z WZY VcY i]Z ha^Y^c\ ]VcYaZ adX`ZY! addhZc i]Z [ZcXZ i^ai^c\]VcYaZ#

3. I^ei]Z[ZcXZidlVgYhi]ZiVWaZVh[VgVh^il^aa \d!i]Zci^\]iZci]Z[ZcXZi^ai^c\]VcYaZ#

Note: When you tip the fence towards the table, it will stop when it contacts the inward stop bolt.

4. JhZ V bVX]^c^hih XdbW^cVi^dc hfjVgZ id X]ZX` i]Z Vc\aZ d[ i]Z [ZcXZ! Vh h]dlc ^c Figure 28#

Note: Keep the limit plate in the rear slot of the limit block.

>[ i]Z [ZcXZ aZVch )*§ idlVgYh i]Z iVWaZ! i]Z ^clVgY )*§ hide ^h hZi XdggZXian0 bdkZ V]ZVYidhZii]ZdjilVgY)*§hide#

>[ i]Z [ZcXZ YdZh cdi aZVc )*§ idlVgYh i]Z iVWaZ! VY_jhi i]Z ^clVgY )*§ hide Wn gZeZVi^c\Step 5##

6. GZbdkZi]Za^b^iWadX`[gdbi]Z[ZcXZWgVX`Zi VhhZbWanVcYhZi^iVh^YZ#

7. 6Y_jhi i]Z ^clVgY hide Wdai hZZ Figure 29 jci^a ^i XdciVXih i]Z [ZcXZ Vi egZX^hZan )*§ ^clVgY! i]Zc i^\]iZc i]Z _Vb cji l]ZgZ i]Z WdaibZZihi]ZWgVX`ZiVhhZbWanl]^aZ]daY" ^c\ i]Z hide Wdai ^c eaVXZ# GZeaVXZ i]Z a^b^i WadX`VcYhZii]Za^b^ieaViZ#












Figure 28#8]ZX`^c\i]Z^clVgY)*§hide#

5. AddhZc i]Z [ZcXZ i^ai^c\ ]VcYaZ! Wg^c\ i]Z [ZcXZ id )*§ l^i] i]Z bVX]^c^hih hfjVgZ hZi V\V^chii]Z[ZcXZ!i]Zci^\]iZci]Z]VcYaZ#


Figure 29#6Y_jhi^c\i]Z^clVgYhide#

To set the outward 45º stop:


2. AddhZc i]Z [ZcXZ i^ai^c\ ]VcYaZ! gZbdkZ i]Z a^b^iWadX`VcYhZi^iVh^YZ#

3.I^ei]Z[ZcXZWVX`VlVn[gdbi]ZiVWaZjci^a ^ihideh#

Note: The fence will stop when the outward stop bolt hits the fence bracket.


Page 26
Image 26
Grizzly G0725 owner manual To set the inward 45º stop, EaViZ, To set the outward 45º stop, ClVgY Hide7dai