This machine presents serious injury hazards to untrained users. Read through this entire manu- al to become familiar with the controls and opera- tions before starting the machine!
Wear safety glasses dur- ing the entire setup pro- cess!
Needed for Setup
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Description | Qty | |
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| HXgVe7adX`d[LddY################################## & |
This machine and its com- ponents are very heavy. Get lifting help if needed.
Ndjg bVX]^cZ lVh XVgZ[jaan eVX`V\ZY [dg hV[Z igVchedgiVi^dc# GZbdkZ i]Z eVX`V\^c\ bViZg^Vah [gdb VgdjcY ndjg bVX]^cZ VcY ^cheZXi ^i# >[ ndj Y^hXdkZgVcnYVbV\Z! please call us immediately at (570)
HVkZi]ZXdciV^cZghVcYVaaeVX`^c\bViZg^Vah[dg edhh^WaZ ^cheZXi^dc Wn i]Z XVgg^Zg dg ^ih V\Zci# Otherwise, filing a freight claim can be difficult.
L]ZcndjVgZXdbeaZiZanhVi^h[^ZYl^i]i]ZXdcY^" i^dcd[ndjgh]^ebZci!^ckZcidgni]ZXdciZcih#
Keep children and pets away from plastic bags or packing materials unpacked with this machine. Discard immediately.
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