Grizzly G0725 Power Supply, Availability, Full-Load Current Rating, Circuit Requirements

Models: G0725

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7Z[dgZ^chiVaa^c\i]ZbVX]^cZ!Xdch^YZgi]ZVkV^a" VW^a^inVcYegdm^b^ind[i]ZgZfj^gZYedlZghjeean X^gXj^i# >[ Vc Zm^hi^c\ X^gXj^i YdZh cdi bZZi i]Z gZfj^gZbZcih[dgi]^hbVX]^cZ!VcZlX^gXj^ibjhi WZ ^chiVaaZY# Id b^c^b^oZ i]Z g^h` d[ ZaZXigdXj" i^dc![^gZ!dgZfj^ebZciYVbV\Z!^chiVaaVi^dcldg` VcYZaZXig^XVal^g^c\bjhiWZYdcZWnVfjVa^[^ZY ZaZXig^X^Vc^cVXXdgYVcXZl^i]VaaVeea^XVWaZXdYZh VcYhiVcYVgYh#

Electrocution, fire, or equipment damage may occur if machine is not correctly grounded and connected to the power supply.

Full-Load Current Rating

I]Z [jaa"adVY XjggZci gVi^c\ ^h i]Z VbeZgV\Z V bVX]^cZYgVlhVi&%%d[i]ZgViZYdjiejiedlZg# Dc bVX]^cZh l^i] bjai^eaZ bdidgh! i]^h ^h i]Z VbeZgV\ZYgVlcWni]ZaVg\Zhibdidgdghjbd[Vaa bdidgh VcY ZaZXig^XVa YZk^XZh i]Vi b^\]i deZgViZ VidcZi^bZYjg^c\cdgbVadeZgVi^dch#

Full-Load Current Rating at 110V...... 12 Amps

I]Z[jaa"adVYXjggZci^hcdii]ZbVm^bjbVbdjci d[Vbehi]Vii]ZbVX]^cZl^aaYgVl#>[i]ZbVX]^cZ ^hdkZgadVYZY!^il^aaYgVlVYY^i^dcVaVbehWZndcY i]Z[jaa"adVYgVi^c\#

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Serious injury could occur if you connect the machine to power before completing the setup process. DO NOT connect to power until instructed later in this manual.

Circuit Requirements

I]^h bVX]^cZ ^h egZl^gZY id deZgViZ dc V &&%K edlZghjeeanX^gXj^ii]Vi]VhVkZg^[^ZY\gdjcYVcY bZZihi]Z[daadl^c\gZfj^gZbZcih/

Nominal Voltage



60 Hz



Power Supply Circuit

15 Amps

6 edlZg hjeean X^gXj^i ^cXajYZh Vaa ZaZXig^XVa Zfj^ebZciWZilZZci]ZWgZV`ZgWdmdg[jhZeVcZa ^ci]ZWj^aY^c\VcYi]ZbVX]^cZ#I]ZedlZghje" eanX^gXj^ijhZY[dgi]^hbVX]^cZbjhiWZh^oZYid hV[Zan]VcYaZi]Z[jaa"adVYXjggZciYgVlc[gdbi]Z bVX]^cZ [dg Vc ZmiZcYZY eZg^dY d[ i^bZ# >[ i]^h bVX]^cZ ^h XdccZXiZY id V X^gXj^i egdiZXiZY Wn [jhZh!jhZVi^bZYZaVn[jhZbVg`ZY9#

For your own safety and protection of property, consult a qualified electrician if you are unsure about wiring practices or electrical codes in your area.

Note: The circuit requirements listed in this man- ual apply to a dedicated circuit—where only one machine will be running at a time. If this machine will be connected to a shared circuit where mul- tiple machines will be running at the same time, consult a qualified electrician to ensure that the circuit is properly sized for safe operation.


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Grizzly G0725 owner manual Power Supply, Availability, Full-Load Current Rating, Circuit Requirements