Choosing and
Jointing Stock
Here are some rules to follow when choos- ing and jointing stock:
Jointing and surface planing WITH the grain produces a better finish and is safer for the operator. 8jii^c\ l^i] i]Z \gV^c ^h YZhXg^WZYVh[ZZY^c\i]ZhidX`dci]Z_d^ciZg hdi]Z\gV^ced^cihYdlcVcYidlVgYndjVh k^ZlZYdci]ZZY\Zd[i]ZhidX`Figure 32#
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Figure 32#>aajhigVi^dch]dl^c\XdggZXiVcY^cXdg" |
gZXi\gV^cVa^\cbZcil^i]XjiiZg]ZVY# |
Note:If the grain changes direction along the edge of the board, decrease the cutting depth and make additional passes.
DO NOT joint or surface plane stock that contains large or loose knots.>c_jgnidi]Z deZgVidg dg YVbV\Z id i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ XVc dXXjg ^[ i]Z `cdih WZXdbZ Y^hadY\ZY Yjg^c\ i]ZXjii^c\deZgVi^dc#
DO NOT joint or surface plane against the grain direction. 8jii^c\ V\V^chi i]Z \gV^c ^cXgZVhZhi]Za^`Za^]ddYd[hidX``^X`WVX`!Vh lZaaVhiZVg"djidci]Zldg`e^ZXZ#
Remove foreign objects from the stock. BV`Z hjgZ i]Vi Vcn hidX` ndj egdXZhh l^i] i]Z_d^ciZg^hXaZVcVcY[gZZd[VcnY^gi!cV^ah! hiVeaZh!i^cngdX`hdgVcndi]Zg[dgZ^\cdW_ZXih i]VibVnYVbV\Zi]Z_d^ciZgWaVYZh#
Only process natural wood fiber through your jointer.CZkZg_d^ciB9;!eVgi^XaZWdVgY! eanlddY! aVb^cViZh dg di]Zg hnci]Zi^XVaan bVYZbViZg^Vah#
Make sure all stock is sufficiently dried before jointing.LddYl^i]Vbd^hijgZXdc" iZci dkZg '% l^aa XVjhZ jccZXZhhVgn lZVg dci]Z`c^kZhVcYeddgXjii^c\gZhjaih#
Make sure your workpiece exceeds the minimum dimension requirements (Figures
Figure 33#>aajhigVi^dch]dl^c\i]Zb^c^bjb ldg`e^ZXZY^bZch^dch[dgZY\Z_d^ci^c\#