Figure 4.
It is important to make sure the spur center and live center are lined up with one another. The easiest way to accomplish this is to make sure the tailstock “footprint” is centered over the width of the lathe bed. Loosen the bolt holding the tail- stock secure to lathe bed and adjust the assem- bly until alignment is achieved, then tighten securely.
Make sure the live center in the tailstock lines up with the spur center in the head- stock before turning anything between the centers. Failure to observe this step could result in the workpiece being thrown from the lathe. Serious personal injury could occur if care is not taken.
Spur Center
The Model G8691 is supplied with a #2 Morse Taper spur center for use when spindle turning. The spur center is used in conjunction with the tailstock live center. Before installing the spur center, thread spindle nut onto shaft and lightly tighten nut. Then insert the spur center into the hole in the spindle end. To remove the spur cen- ter, use the supplied open end wrench and an adjustable wrench to thread the spindle nut off along with the spur center. Figure 5.
Figure 5.
The faceplate is used for turning plates and bowls. To install the faceplate, remove the spur center. Using the supplied
Figure 6.
G8691 Wood Lathe w/ Stand |