Always disconnect power to the machine before performing maintenance. Failure to do this may result in serious person- al injury.



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Daily, Before Operations

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Daily, After Operations

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Every 2 Years

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Page 65
Image 65
Grizzly G9731, G9730 owner manual Schedule, Cleaning/Protecting

G9730, G9731 specifications

The Grizzly G9731 and G9730 are two powerful and versatile wood jointers that are designed to cater to the needs of both professional woodworkers and hobbyists. These machines are a part of Grizzly’s extensive range of woodworking equipment, known for their quality, performance, and reliability.

The Grizzly G9731 features a robust 3 HP motor, providing the necessary power to efficiently handle large pieces of lumber with ease. This model boasts a cutting width of 8 inches with a maximum depth of cut of 1/8 inch, allowing users to achieve precise and smooth finishes on various types of wood. One of the standout features of the G9731 is its dual-speed option, enabling woodworkers to choose the right speed for different wood types, resulting in better control and finish.

On the other hand, the Grizzly G9730 is slightly smaller and ideal for users with limited workshop space. It is powered by a 1.5 HP motor, providing ample performance for smaller jointing tasks. This model also offers an 8-inch cutting width and can achieve a maximum depth of cut of 1/16 inch. The G9730 is equipped with a precision-ground cast-iron table that ensures consistent and flat surfaces, crucial for achieving tight-fit joints.

Both models come with advanced technologies designed to enhance the user experience. The G9731 and G9730 feature easy-to-adjust infeed and outfeed tables, which allows for quick setup and adjustments, reducing downtime during projects. Additionally, their straight knife cutter head design offers unparalleled cutting performance, contributing to smoother finishes while ensuring long-lasting sharpness.

Another characteristic that stands out in both models is their built-in dust collection capability that effectively minimizes mess in the workspace. The machines come equipped with dust ports that can be connected to standard dust collection systems, promoting a cleaner and healthier working environment.

Safety is also a paramount consideration in the design of the G9731 and G9730. They are both equipped with safety features such as push blocks and blade guards to protect the operator during use. This attention to safety makes these machines suitable for woodworkers at all skill levels.

In summary, whether you choose the Grizzly G9731 or the G9730, you will benefit from durable construction, advanced technology, and user-friendly features that enhance your woodworking projects. These jointers exemplify Grizzly's commitment to quality and innovation in the woodworking industry.