Note: Ple ase onl y use a low -suds ing or hi gh-ef ficie ncy typ e deter gent.

Blea ch use an d dispe nser :

Bleac hing of c lothe s can hel p remove s tains , heavy soi ling an d kill
bacte ria.
Bleac h shoul d not be us ed on sil k, wool, rayon o r drip dr y cloth es.
Bleac h dispe nser is l ocate d on the fro nt corn er unde r the lid .
Fill th e dispe nser wi th the ma nufac turer' s recom mende d dosag e
durin g the fir st wate r fill.
Be care ful not t o spill u ndilu ted ble ach ont o the was her cab inet or
your cl othes .
Note: Use o nly liq uid ble ach in di spens er.
Warnin g: Always un plug yo ur wash er to avoi d elect ric sho ck befor e
clean ing. Igno ring th is warn ing may re sult in i njur y. Before usi ng clea ning
produ cts, alway s read and f ollow m anufa cture r warni ngs to avo id
perso nal Inj ury or p roduct d amage .

Cleaning and Maintenance

* Use onl y a damp or s udsy cl oth for c leani ng the co ntrol pa nel.
* To avoid any kind o f damag e to cabi net fin ish, wipe w asher c abine t as
neede d. If you spi ll liqu id/po wdered s often er blea ch or det ergen t on the
cabin et, wipe ca binet i mmedi ately .
* Do not us e any abr asive , harsh che mical s, ammoni a, chlori ne blea ch,
conce ntrat ed dete rgent , solvent s or meta l scour ing pad s. These
chemi cals may d issol ve, damag e and/o r disco lor you r washe r.
* Leave li d open af ter was hing to a llow in side of w asher t o dry and a ssist
in preve nting u nwelc omed ba d odour s.